Is secret nikah valid. How do I tell my parents I want to mar
Is secret nikah valid. How do I tell my parents I want to marry someone else? I did a secret Nikah over the phone; Secret nikah first, then renew it publicly? Can my same-sex love interest be my soulmate in Jannah? Nikah is a contract of public knowledge, thus the requirement for witnesses (public knowledge is not upheld by a party, but witnesses to the contract in general). I encourage you to come clean because your mother is pressuring you to do something that you simply cannot do. ”. (2) It is not allowed. still they lied to me n said he doesnt smoke. All that they have to do is say the following in the presence of two witnesses: One of them must say: "I am making my nikah with you" and the other must say : "I accept. The minimum mahr is 10 … Thinking on doing a secret nikah. Her guardians refused to arrange her marriage, so the local imam did the marriage contract without documentation. Please stop playing word games. Nikah was performed in secret without presence or consent of Wali 2. Right now it's mostly a traditional christian layout with the officiant and my father giving me away. It also means … Secret Invasion had the potential to be a unique and exciting offering in Marvel Studios’ growing catalog of Disney+ series. co. Now my question is, if a mature Muslim boy and girl does nikaah in privacy, is that nikah valid? A: If the boy is of the same social standing as the girl and the nikaah is performed in the presence of two adult male Muslim witnesses then the nikaah will be … If she converts a non-Muslim can't be her wali this is the only case were an imam or a (Muslim) person of her choice (not you!) may play the role of her guardian for the marriage. org, which is operated under the … Such Nikah is not valid as there is no secret marriage in Islam. When this nikah is valid there is no need for re-conducting the nikah. with a man that is similar to her in lineage, adherence to Islam and profession). Without conversion, such Nikah will be void. We sealed our marriage The announcement of the nikah to the people is mandoob (recommended). The required documents include. Hold a banquet after the ceremony to celebrate the marriage with your family, friends, and community. Is a secret nikah valid to avoid sin when surrounding circumstances are like so that,it is almost impossible to get married soon. These marriage stands between valid marriage and void marriage. You other problem is that you have a doubt that your husband is cheating on you but you don’t have any evidance. Marriage was kept secret for more than one year. Once the above conditions have been fulfilled, the marriage will be deemed as valid; but if these conditions are not fulfilled, then it will be considered as being null … Doing Halala is Haram (Forbidden) in Islam. them if they dont listn wait for their acceptence . Only Allah knows best. Marriage (nikah and waleema) is a time for celebration and happiness and it is a time where you need the sincere and heartfelt duas of your Is Having Witnesses Necessary in Order for a Divorce to be Considered Valid? Can a written agreement between a boy and girl without witnesses count as "Nikah"? Q. As to the question of "what they should do"; this is a question between the husband and wife (the couple that had the nikah). Thus, performing a secret Nikah is against the teachings and advice of … The Nikah is not valid. If the two is a beliver and they promised that they will I have submitted a question regarding nikah with a Christian woman who might embrace Islam later in life. Idris Tawfiq. He will agree, when you plead him insha Allah. Im going to get marry in two months but im not earning my father and mother are earning,so i dont have money to pay mahram,so is it … Is her nikah valid? 2, does she have to do iddat? 3. The man “proposes” in front of two witnesses and pays the lawyer, in effect paying to get the document issued, and that's it. Answer: Firstly, I would like to say that having any contact or relationship with a girl before marriage is strictly prohibited and unlawful in Islam. Meaning, the nikah is performed secretly, without letting everyone know, later when the date for marriage is decided by the family members, I'm a medical student in Sialkot, Pakistan. I am going out with a girl from my school for more than a year. Now my question is, if a mature Muslim boy and girl does nikaah in privacy, is that nikah valid? A: If the boy is of the same social standing as the girl and the nikaah is performed in the presence If a revert adopted an Islamic name and is called by his Islamic name, that is sufficient. The presence of your cousin with you in the house, when she does not wear hijab and you see her and are alone with her is something that … Answer ID: 34870 Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim ! (Fatwa: 1628/1628/M=1432) In the question mentioned above, if you and the girl were present in … In the light of the guidance provided by the Qur’an, it may be said that a nikah, to be valid, must fulfill three necessary conditions; firstly, it must entail the free consent … Was my secret nikah valid? Posted by Imaankhan • May 27, 2016 • Printer-friendly Asslam o alikum I want to ask that i met a boy 2 years back and we started … Validity of secret marriage Salam Dear Scholar I prayed istikhara and secretly married a man 2 years ago from a different country and we have never lived … To be valid, a marriage has to meet certain requirements such as ishhar (announcement), the payment of the mahr (dower), the consent of both parties, the … In Islam, nikah or marriage must obey the above requirements and certain minimum values to be valid and acceptable; without these values nikah is not … A man is RESPONSIBLE for you - a secret nikah, is NOT valid, and is no different than the mutaa ect being practiced in the name of Islam in Egypt etc. I did a secret Nikah over the phone. I or him did not know the witnesses, there was no wali. I have also read problems like mine being discussed over here but i could neva muster up courage to post mine but as im in a serious dilemma now so i want an answer for my question from those who r learned and can help a desperate si Last modified on Fri 14 Feb 2020 12. Furthermore, there are many what ifs in a secret marriage. Both of our family knows about it and they do not have any objections. The husband and wife thus joined are able to renounce some marital rights such as living together, the wife's rights to housing and maintenance money (), and the husband's … Q. 6. If there is any violation or error, please contact us to delete it. [Al-Haakim] The consent of the guardian of the woman; presence of witnesses; offering and acceptance; and mahr (dower). svg Basit Manzoor 2023-02 ️Is secret Nikah valid in islam? অভিভাবক ছাড়া বিয়ে কি ইসলাম অনুমোদন করে? প্রশ্নঃ- Assalamualikum. youtube. [Ibn `Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar] However, this does not mean that one is at liberty to go and marry who they wish without the knowledge of their guardian, who in the Secret nikkah between sunni/shia. They should make tauwba and istighfaar for their irresponsible behaviour. Firstly, No. No … Blessings of Imam. As for the first issue, there are many ahadith which warn against unnecessary intermingling and interaction between opposite genders. or he authorizes a person (preferably from his own religion) to act on his behalf and be present when the I have done a secret nikah with a girl (without the knowledge of our parents) who is of the same social standing as me. What you have done and doing and what you wana do nikah by urself is haraam. 5. Negotiating and signing the contract is a requirement of marriage under Islamic law, and certain conditions must be upheld in order for it to be binding and recognized. ( Quran 4:19) Both the groom and the bride have equal rights to give a divorce. A custom in our family about marriage. Hence, you wasn’t present there. za. Thank you for contacting About Islam with … Based on your description, your marriage (assuming that all the integrals of marriage were in order) remains valid, and Allah knows best. Ur parents . It should be clear that a Muslim should seek a righteous spouse for marriage. g in september a small nikah & another… Is it possible to do NIKAH twice, without hurting family and relatives? Should we tell our parents about our marriage and physical relationship? Is a secret nikah valid? We, me and my fiance', are planning to get married without our parents consent. how can we convince our parents? Can a man marry a woman twice without parental consent? The bride’s father or his designated proxy must be in attendance. org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Waswasah. [1] However, we wish to caution you against marrying in secret. How do you do secret Nikah? Is a Secret Nikah Valid? – Ask Mufti Menk – 2018 – YouTube. If you have a secret marriage, when you have problems, how will you be able to seek good … Is a secret nikah valid? I was married to a girl whom I did not wanted to be my wife, I have not made intercourse with her, kindly advice, my nikah is still intact or not. Similarly having the permission of the guardian of the wife is either a pillar or a condition of Nikah according to the majority opinion. 2023/07/0619:36:35 hotcomm 13678. The show boasted a terrific cast of … Answer The Nikah will be valid. It is not recommended for anyone to keep a marriage hidden. za Q) I am 18 years old. Nikah Halala has no place in Islam. svg Basit Manzoor 2022-10-06 20:54:38 2022-10-06 20:54:38 How Should I Deal with My … The Prophet also said: “ No marriage can take place without the presence of a guardian and two trustworthy witnesses; any marriage that was not conducted in this manner is void and the Muslim ruler is the guardian of any one who does not have a guardian ”. Two witnesses should be chosen and present at the gathering. The best instance of an irregular marriage is the marriage between a Muslim and a Christian or a Jew. Hence it is strongly discouraged and … The conversion of your wife to Islam is valid and your nikah to her is also valid Your concerns about your wife’s Islam is correct. See: al-Mughni (10/49-55). Thus, performing a secret Nikah is against the teachings and advice of … There are two aspects to consider with regard to the "secret nikah. 4117 views; Q. Thanks. Scholar: Shaykh Siraj Desai. So you have a couple of choices: Either her wali is present. Can not stay angry for long. I converted to Islam for my husband but we never had nikah only got married through the courts. Bismillah. And a woman can not act as a Wali as per the Sharee'ah. I have been in a relationship with my BF for 2 years, on my recent visit to pakistan we secretly got married and had our Nikkah in court. Is It Valid to Marry in Secret? What to Do. In the eyes of Islam, the Christian ceremony does not join the two in marriage. Conducting Nikahthis way, the Nikah did not even take place as for the Nikah to be correct the presence of the witnesses is mandatory and whatever relationship had been between the two that too had been incorrect, repentance from that is necessary. Force Marriage is haram in Islam. (Video) Is a Secret Nikah Valid? - Ask Mufti Menk - 2018 Q: I would like to know if it is permissible to make Nikah twice to the same person? We are to be wed at the end of the year. views : 15479. Is it permissible to eat dawaat of nikah? Please reply. An adult does not require the consent of his or her parents for the Nikah. He should say to the groom, “I marry my daughter So-and-so to you,” and the groom should say, “I accept. What are the disadvantages of court marriage? DIVORCE CASES. In Love, is this nikah valid, love, nikah, nikah by telephone, no wali, parents preventing marriage, Premarital relationship, Want to Get Married. The subsequent nikah seven month ago is invalid. But the words used in translation must convey strictly the meaning of “Zawwajtu” and “Qabiltu” Kindly also note that if the lady (your cousin) is a virgin, then her father’s consent is necessary for your nikah with her to be valid. Tell them that you love them and will listen to them, but you … In Islam, nikah ( Arabic: نِكَاح nikāḥ) is a contract between two people. Although, the representation is valid without witnesses, however, in the event of … In Islam, nikah or marriage must conform to certain minimum standards and requirements to be valid and acceptable; without these, it is considered neither valid nor acceptable, for it is then hardly distinguishable from fornication or illicit relations. Islamic faith marriages are not valid under English law, the court of appeal has ruled, in a blow to thousands of Muslim women who have no rights when Christian-Muslim Wedding. Time passed and they continued to live together. Hence, given that the nikah is valid, any subsequent divorce will also be valid. The ruling regarding a secret marriage is as follows: If the woman has married such a man who is not “equal” to her in Shariah, then the contract of nikah is not valid. If a proposal and acceptance takes place in the presence of two adult male … Is a Secret Nikah Valid? - Ask Mufti Menk - 2018 Muslim Speakers 912K subscribers 398K views 4 years ago Is the marriage valid which is performed secretly from parents? Show … #islam #fypシ #islamineast #allah #muftimenk #muftimenkreminders #muftimenkmotivationalspeech #muftimenklectures #secret #marriage Speak to your parents about a plan of getting engaged, then having a nikah, and then moving in together. It was potentially sinful to perform this secret nikah because of the tremendous disrespect that it entailed to your parents, to whom we are commanded to show goodness. ''. This service operates entirely online… is secret marriage valid in islam? - MUFTI MENK #Shorts #Marriage #Nikah#MuftiMenk #Marriageadvice #Shadi#Nikah #Shorts #IslamicShorts#DailyReminder #Muftime A misyar marriage (Arabic: نکاح المسيار, romanized: nikah al-misyar or more often زواج المسيار zawaj al-misyar "traveller's marriage") is a type of marriage contract allowed by some Sunni Muslims. ( Quran 2:229) Nikah is a Sunnah. If you meant performing a valid nikāh with at least two adult witnesses, the nikāh will be valid. The Prophet, also said: “Any woman who marries without the consent of her guardian, her marriage is void, her marriage is void, her marriage is void. “There is no marriage except with a guardian and two trustworthy witnesses. June 2010. I’ve read in Quran that Allah is enough as a witness. Fasid Nikah (Irregular Marriage): When a marriage is conducted by violating certain or partial conditions of a valid marriage, it is called an irregular marriage. Is a secret nikah valid? Nikah Without Being Married According To The Law; Marriage by Phone; Should we perform our nikah without our families getting informed? Is it possible for Najma to get a divorce from Md Raja in Delhi? Is nikah valid if it is overheard without witnesses present? No Nikah is valid without the Wali's consent. 09-01-2017. The minimum conditions for the validity of nikah are the following: Is a secret nikah valid? Is the Nikah valid in which the Walee has conducted the Nikah of a girl without her consent. I have never met the guy, nor has he even seen me. Boy undertook this act with false promise and fake assurance that he has a job and will soon send the formal marriage proposal. And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best. One is the validity of the Nikah and the other is the practicality and effects of the secret Nikah. It is important to take the blessings of Imam or any Muslim Scholar or Judge, but it cannot surpass the importance of taking blessings from parents. Muslim marriages in Qatar are performed at the Sharia Court, located on Al Rayyan Road, near Mannai Ra in the Musheirib area. Please, I need your advice or comments if they can do based on our religion is better. 247217. Nikāh is a sacred institution and lifelong commitment. You may not feel that you are not strong enough to avoid fornication, but you are. in his absence). If the blessings of only Imam are involved, … Is a secret nikah with only the couple and phone witnesses valid? Is a nikah valid if the girl's ex-husband hasn't given divorce? Is the first talaq valid and who is my friend married to? Slmz mufti! plz inform me what are the consequences for performing nikah twice with the same person e. However, some of the other mazahib do state that nikah will not be valid without the presence of a Wali (guardian), and the nikah be conducted with the words of the wali. My fiance and I are trying to figure out how we can incorporate both of our religions into the wedding ceremony. confused sister. ” Salams brothers and sisters, I am Muslim sister who has married a recent Muslim revert but I am scared and worried that I may have done things wrong please tell me if I am on the right path. 4. Chhup Kr Nikah | چھپ کر نکاح | Is a Secret Nikah Valid? | Khufia Nikah#SecretNikah#RaoQamarRizwanSubscribe My 2nd Channel : https://www. Halala is distorted version and misuse of law. To be honest, I was just stupid and impatient. I was a hindu before but only accepted islam for completing the nikah ceremony However, some of the other mazahib do state that nikah will not be valid without the presence of a Wali (guardian), and the nikah be conducted with the words of the wali. Is A Secret Nikah Valid? - Ask Mufti Menk. g in september a small nikah & another… I Am a Maliki and My Father Was Not Physically Present When I Remarried My Ex-Husband. I have still not been able to accept him as my husband even though I said yes at the time of nikah. From Islamic standpoint the marriage is valid. If it is causing issues with people, you can do it again to quell their concerns. What this man has done by being so insensitive could cause such a deep crack in his first marriage that it may never be mended. However after nikkah the girl expressed her dislikness towards him and الجواب وبالله التوفيق The way of conducting Nikah described in your question is شرعاًnot correct. Have patience, you may find other beautiful and desired Muslim girls to get married. Performing a secret nikaah to avoid zina. However,I will be completing my studies very soon and cannot see any reason for us not to marry. Getting married in a church before going on to the mosque for the “Muslim” ceremony is quite missing the point. He followed me for 3 years, then I also felt that he was the man who loves me the most and he is committed. (bismillah) (salam) I have been a regular visiter of dis forum. Conditions of Marriage. Public knowledge is Is a secret nikah valid? Nikah at Bridegrooms Home; I am a married man and i want to know if i can record my wife and i performing intercourse? this will not b 4 others to view but just for my… Is nikah valid - I married my husband by performing nikah. ” It’s a Prophetic tradition and … The initial invasion of Wakanda, the Blip, the five-year time jump, the Avengers’ time-travel heist — that was a Skrull on screen the entire time. Praise be to Allah. My name is Mohammed Rafi, my question is i am 26yrs old and i am a student. I want to know the correct hadith and solution. His older brother is getting married soon,and as a result,his father says we must wait. If he is referred to his Islamic name in the nikah, the nikah will be valid. I stopped talking to him after a couple of weeks. The conversion of your wife to Islam is valid and your nikah to her is also valid Your concerns about your wife’s Islam is correct. [2] Repeating the Nikah After a Secret Nikah; Asalamoalekum. All the people involved in the invalid nikah are guilty of oppression and deception. your mind will not be peaceful. you have to apply to the concerned union council or cantonment board. Your wife’s non-Muslim father is not able to be her wali, until he embraces Islam. Married people have problems. To keep a marriage a secret is against the sunnah, and many problems can occur because of this. Which was not valid coz my wali was not present. In Sahih Bukhari, Our prophet Swallaho Alaihewasallam(peace be upon him)said “Pray as you have seen me to pray”. 2) Please pray Perform The Prayer of Guidance on whether or not to disclose your Islam to your wife’s family. org/svg/Logo/SG_Logo_v23. Nikah on Telephone; Does a man need the approval of his parents for his nikah with a woman to be valid? How is the nikah read Don’t Take the Easy Way Out. 22-07-2017. hotcomm. How Should I Deal with My Family after Having a Secret Marriage? October 6, 2022. Just imagine the pain she must be going through and the heart break. Can we both live together and also go for… The problem is his parents want him to marry someone else and my parents dont like him because he is uneducated and so on. If you performed a proper nikah with her, then your nikah with her is valid. g in september a small nikah & another… Secret Nikah by SAFAH » Thu Feb 10, 2011 4:15 am . Tell them that you love them and will listen to them, but you pray that they understand your feelings as well. About In the book Maulana said ''If both the man and woman are mature, they can perform their own nikah. Marriage must be open and above … Secret Marriages As for the approval of a guardian and not registering with the state, these are not conditions for a valid nikah although there is significant difference of … Answer Praise be to Allah. Later, when my parents decide to have the wedding, we will go through with the "public" Nikah. A Christian woman wants to stipulate that if they become Muslim, her husband should not take a second wife. alhaadi. (1) All these conditions are against Islam. More in Nikah. The minimum mahr is 10 dirhams … The ruling regarding secret marriage is : If the woman has married such a man who is not “equal” to her in Shariah then the contract of nikah is not valid, even if the guardian of the girl later approves of it. If the nikah is re-conducted it will be considered a You are here: Home » Abandoned, Depression, Forced Marriage, Heartbroken, In Love, Islamic Answers 2012, Long Distance Relationship, Parents Preventing Marriage, Polygamy, Secret Marriages, Tawbah and Repentance, Unlawful Marriages » Is my Nikkah valid or not? Nikah is a personal and individual right whereby every sane adult is permitted to make his or her own decision as far as choosing the marriage partner is concerned. Aslam walaikum I want as a friend of mine signed nikah contract unwillingly She wasn't informed about this nor was asked if she agreed with this proposal Her mother just said that today there will However the third time, he forced me to do a nikah. My fiance tells me that there isn't much to a Muslim ceremony, but I'd really There are two aspects to consider with regard to the "secret nikah. Therefore, their sexual acts and intercourse will remain unlawful and haram. The wife can also retain her own name after marriage. A: If all the preconditions of nikaah are To get a marriage certificate in Pakistan. Why ladies are praying differently as per Hanafi Fiqh. Is the Nikah valid? I did a secret Nikah over the phone; More in Parents Preventing Marriage. You may seek the guidance of a travel agent for umrah regarding the name requirement. Will the secret Nikah be valid? Validity. An Online Nikah Consultation Service is a web-based platform that provides assistance and guidance to couples who are looking to get married through Nikah. A spouse’s age should not be twice the other; otherwise Validity. As stipulated by the Islamic legal system, “Ittehad-e-Majlis” is a needed condition for a valid contract of marriage. Nikah, with its primary and secondary requirements, is a solemn contract. If the two is a beliver and they promised that they will inform this their family on time,by keeping Allah as a witness. witnesses, mahr, marriage contract, but the nikah was a secret between the family They now wish to go in for a formal nikah in the presence of relatives. Secret Nikah; Is a nikah valid if the couple is not physically present at the time of the nikah? Is our marriage valid according to Islamic Shariah if we do nikah and court marriage without our parents' consent? Is it permissible to marry the same girl twice without informing parents of the first marriage? You mention that a Nikah again with all conditions to make it a valid Nikah. Is that permissable? Joining ties with those who sever ties and not merely reciprocating; Should we go for Hajj or wait for sister-in-law's marriage? Can a married couple stay apart for 3 years if both agree? Nikah over phone; Is a secret nikah with only the couple and phone witnesses valid? I would want to know how and how much are two prospective marriage alliances allowed to interact via email or phone; The legal guardian to do Nikah; Marriage over the phone; Is a phone nikah valid without known maulvi and witnesses? (Video) Is a Secret Nikah Valid? - Ask Mufti Menk - 2018 (Muslim Speakers) Can you do Nikah without converting? According to Muslim Law, a Nikah cannot be performed with a non-Muslim. Now my question is can we do nikah in private without witness as we both don't want to disclose it and want to keep it secret. Q: In our society, the culture of late marriages is prevalent nowadays. 2nd my dad knows how much i hate smokers, plus i have bad allergy from smoking. I would like to ask a Shafi madhhabs girl from young she perform all islamic thing in Hanafii madhhab way but she eat all d seafood thing and some of Prepare a written marriage contract before the ceremony for you to sign as a couple. You are advised to forget each other and you should not do any thing against the religion of Islam. First of all your nikah is not by any chance void because a man can marry upto 4 women and there is no condition that they know about the other one. Q: Some years ago I had a secret nikah with a guy because our parents were not ready for marriage at that time. In Islam, marriage must conform to certain minimum … If you find that this nikah ceremony was valid, then it would not be permissible to marry another person while still married. 1. The nikah halal he mentions is valid? Is it valid the secret marriages? Says he has speak with an iman and already has two witnesses. [. org. You are here: Home » Islamic Answers 2015, Misyar Marriage, Nikah, Proposing Marriage, Secret Marriages » Is this proposal for nikah halal valid? IslamicSunrays. Best answer for this question, how can I get nikah in Dubai? Marriage contract needs to be registered in a Sharia court in the UAE. Answered by: Mufti Zakaria Makada Checked & Approved: Mufti … Answer: A nikah is valid when the offer and acceptance takes place between the man and woman (or her representative), with the presence of two sane, male, Muslim witnesses, … Marriage in Secret! It is not clear what you mean by “making a nikah just for both of you” and not for others. 1 original nikah nama. prospective husband, relationship, relationship before marriage, secret nikah, sinful relationship, surah al-fatiha, surah al-fatiha and nikah, valid Please clarify, if 1. I want to ask a question about my friend. I've known her for many years and grew up as friends and ended up falling for her, which is why I'd want to do nikka before any more sins are made Is a secret nikah with only the couple and phone witnesses valid? Is a nikah valid if the girl's ex-husband hasn't given divorce? Is the first talaq valid and who is my friend married to? Slmz mufti! plz inform me what are the consequences for performing nikah twice with the same person e. My question is that if we do Nikah secretly from our parents and Yes, you can perform nikah with your wife/husband any number of times you want, as long as there is no declaration of divorce between the various nikah ceremonies. In all there were 4 person at the time of nikah which included groom and bride and 2 witnesses and nikah was performed inside a car and in hustle situation and meanwhile during the nikah one of the witnesses had to drive the car as well and it … There are two aspects to consider with regard to the "secret nikah. I have no means of contacting him now either. I am an 18 year old Muslim man and there's a non Muslim women that I fell in love with and want to do nikka with Her. If the prospective husband does not fulfil this criteria then no marriage will be valid between the couple without the explicit approval of the wali (father, or brother, etc. [ At-Tirmithi and Abu Daawood]. If however, assuming that you had appointed the molvi as your agent to be present there on As long as the conditions of nikah are met marriage is valid. Once the above conditions have been fulfilled, the marriage will be valid. e. A Nikah is performed with a proposal (Iejaab) by the male or female and acceptance (Qubool) by the male or female … The procedure of Nikah; Is a Nikah conducted over the phone valid? Aslamu-alaikum I wasnt to know how to read a Nikah? Can you please tell me the basics that need to be covered. " One is the validity of the Nikah. Method 1. The person i know did secret nikah not for desire like you but just to help a man who was in need, she used to take care of him because he was unwell health-wise. They will not become wife and husband for each other even after such ijab and qubool. Having blessing from a Imam (could instead of an Imam, include blessings from a Sheik, Islamic Scholar or a Muslim Judge) for the Nikah is important but it must only be done after a parental blessing, as … There are two aspects to consider regarding a secret Nikah. TIME CONSUMING PROCESS OF PUTTING UP THE WEDDING. try to talk to ur parents first concens. Secondly, No. Mahr 1160 views Q. Both the groom and the bride should agree to the marriage. 1) What are the requisites for a muslim to be a witness in the case of a marriage? Must he be someone that has a lot of knowledge of Islam… Secret Nikah. The secret nikah performed at the university seventeen months ago is valid. ( Sunan Ibn Majah 1846) Is secret nikah valid in Islam? What is the purpose of marriage? An Orfi is a legal document, in particular between a Western woman and an Egyptian man, agreeing to get married without any legal and binding rights attached. How do you do secret nikah? Is a Secret Nikah Valid? - Ask Mufti Menk - 2018 - YouTube. It is mentioned in Majma’ al-Anhur (1/472, pub Darul Kutub al-Ilmiyah Beirut): Can we do two Nikkahs? Posted by creature • April 3, 2016 • Printer-friendly. There is nevertheless another aspect to consider as well. If you want to marry without conversion, then you can marry under the Special Marriage Act. I According to Shariah, it is mandatory for nikah to be valid that two witnesses are present in the meeting of nikah and the ijab-e-qubul are at the same meeting. jpg 1000 1910 Basit Manzoor https://seekersguidance. Hafizurrahman Fatehmahomed. The zina has become easy nowadays. Their physical presence is unnecessary as long as they hear and witness the contract. In the absence of both of them the Nikah will not be valid. Religion and good character should be the top concern of every Muslim when looking for a spouse. I proposed her by saying "I am making my Nikah with you, do you accept?" in Urdu language three times and she said "I accept" three times. Once a nikah is performed, it will be valid irrespective of whether mention of any mahr was made or not. This should be witnessed by Asslam o alikum I want to ask that i met a boy 2 years back and we started loving each other. One is the validity of the nikah and the other is the practicality and effects of the secret nikah. " In so doing, the nikah will be valid. JazakAllah khair In this conditions your nikah seems valid Nikah. The reason is: During the Nikah the offer and acceptance of both the two contractors or their agents, and the witnesses being present there must take place altogether in the same session verbally. To give u best solution and pls protect Is a secret nikah with only the couple and phone witnesses valid? Slmz mufti! plz inform me what are the consequences for performing nikah twice with the same person e. com/c/Islamic No. Allah knows Best! Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband I Want to do a Secret Nikah Question: I am in love with a boy. camil12 A secret nikah goes against the spirit of Shariah. July 2022 - Marital Is the Nikah valid if the husband gives mahr to his wife on the day of Nikah in front of the bride’s parents and 4. You state that you wish to perform a secret Nikāh to fulfill your intimate needs. However, it is the teaching of the Shari'ah that Nikahs should be made public. We also have a one year old son. Student Darul Iftaa Netherlands The nikah of a mature woman (baaligah) who gets married without a guardian (wali) is valid, provided that it is done in Kuf’ (i. I was a hindu before but only accepted islam for completing the nikah ceremony; Marriage and First Wife; Is a marriage valid if the bride lied about her past before marriage? Secret nikah; Is a nikah valid if the girl's ex-husband hasn't given divorce? What invalidates a marriage in Islam? Salam warahmatullah. This happened in front of two adult and After nikah only, can we touch each other? Sunnah way to keep nikah and walimah for maximum barakah, and how to convince parents for it? Secret Nikah; Is this Nikah valid and binding, even without physical mubashirat? Is there an Islamic basis for delaying the Rukhsati after the Nikah ceremony? প্রশ্নঃ 2435 => is secret Nikah valid in islam? অভিভাবক ছাড়া বিয়ে কি ইসলাম অনুমোদন করে? অভিভাবক ছাড়া বিয়ে কি ইসলাম অনুমোদন করে? Is nikah valid - I married my husband by performing nikah. I have been facing a problem. The nikah will not be valid whether the conditions are written in the nikah letter or not. I was a hindu before but only accepted islam for completing the nikah ceremony; Marriage and First Wife; Is a marriage valid if the bride lied about her past before marriage? Secret nikah; Is a nikah valid if the girl's ex-husband hasn't given divorce? What invalidates a marriage in Islam? Was my secret nikah valid? I want to ask that i met a boy 2 years back and we started loving each other. Secret nikah; Married twice in 3 months time, is my Nikah valid? Random Q&A. My brother, 42 y/o, is married for 19 yrs to a Muslimah, 48 y/o. /Logo/SG_Logo_v23. I'm a medical student in Sialkot, Pakistan. A formal, binding contract – verbal or on paper [1] – is considered integral to a religiously valid Islamic marriage, and outlines the rights and responsibilities of the I have been involved with a young man for 2 years now. Would this be halal? JazakAllah … Secret Nikkah! I am 25 years old. Receive a blessing from the officiant to conclude the Nikah ceremony. 3K views, 489 likes, 47 loves, 4 comments, 372 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Powerful Islamic Reminders: Is a Secret Nikah Valid? - Mufti Menk For the Nikah to be valid, there has to be two adult male witnessess, or alternatively, one male and two female witnesses. There is nothing wrong with any Muslim person reciting Khutbah al-Nikaah before the ‘aqd (contract) is made, but it is a condition that the guardian of the bride be present. Is a nikah valid if a boy and girl marry without parental consent and live apart for 5 years? S the nikah valid if the wali of the wife becomes her previous husband who gave her talaaq; Speak to your parents about a plan of getting engaged, then having a nikah, and then moving in together. One day, his friend came and told me that he is very much interested in me, so why don't I say One is the validity of the Nikah and the other is the practicality and effects of the secret Nikah. No happiness at all. The actual Muslim wedding is known as a nikah. Further details are required in order to reach a conclusion about the state of the nikah after the divorce. If Allah places many obstacles in your way, then that is a Nikah is a sacred institution and should be given the desired respect. Q: We want to make a secret Nikah ? I am a student and want to know if a secret nikah is valid in Islam? I am interested in a boy and he is also a student and are told we can only marry after studies Now, a Muslim woman can insert a clause in the marriage contract, restricting her husband from marrying another woman, for as long as the contract is valid. Short Answer: There are five conditions for the validity of a marriage contract in Islam. More in Islamic Answers 2015. May Allah guide him and the rest of his family to Islam. Thereafter, the following should be observed for the actual ceremony: The nikah should be performed by a pious person. You are here: Home » Divorce, Drug and Alcohol Problems, Islamic Answers 2012, Nikah, Problems in the Marriage, Unlawful Marriages, wali » My Wali was my husband’s friend, who lied to the Qadhi that he was my brother. She was surprised when imam told her to say the shahada. so she didnt want commit sin while having … 1. They have a Christian maid, 37 y/o, for 3 yrs. After 4 months that boy asked me to do nikah with him secretly because he was going abroad and he said that he is afraid that i will get married with someone else. However, being born in a Muslim family, you may not understand the challenges and difficulties one undergoes in converting to Islam especially when one is face with challenges from ones family as is in your wife Is a secret nikah valid? Questions pertaining to a secret Nikah; Secret Nikah; Can Sameer and the girl have a nikah again despite their secret one? Since we are seeing each other, can we perform a secret marriage to avoid … The second is the ruling of conducting a nikah in secret. 2) Please pray Perform The Prayer of Guidance on whether or not … The nikah on the phone trend has caught on in many countries. Conclusion: Halala is neither a tradition nor a culture among Muslims. We planned to 26. Your … What do the scholars of the Din and muftis of the Sacred Law state regarding the following issue: Is nikah (marriage) valid when done secretly after engagement. Having two witnesses is either a pillar of Nikah, or a condition for it, or is obligatory according to the madhabs. under the circumstances of nikah being secret and she living with brother, how will it be possible to do iddat cos nobody in her family knows? Please your urgent response would be appreciated as this situation and manner in which this man … Respecting Parents. When I get pregnant that time my family arrange a Temporary marriage (mut’ah marriage) or marriage for the purpose of making her permissible for her first husband then divorcing her (tahleel marriage) are both haraam and invalid according to the vast majority of scholars, and it does not make the woman permissible for her first husband. Muslims living in many regions and are not in a position to attend a nikah ceremony for a given reason opt for online nikah or nikah via phone. Because we are still studying,his father would not consent to us making nikah. Even Islam prefer make marriage as early as possible, so normative rules and cultural disagreements can't be beyond rules of Islam. After 4 months that boy asked me to do nikah with him secretly because he was going However after nikkah the girl expressed her dislikness towards him and use to say that the nikkah is not valid because it was forced upon her from her family. How many days will her iddat have to be? 4. Can I divorce? I did a secret Nikah over the phone; My Istikhara came out as “yes,” but I don’t like him! Salam. Despite it being valid, one will have to give the mahr. About One is the validity of the Nikah and the other is the practicality and effects of the secret Nikah. Nikah on Telephone; Does a man need the approval of his parents for his nikah with a woman to be valid? How is the nikah read pronounce the Nikah in any other language, and it is not necessary to appoint any representatives. I am ashia, syed muslim girl. Shazia, there is no secret nikah in Islam. Since freedom from menses is not considered one of the essential conditions or integrals of a valid marriage contract in Islam in any of the acceptable schools of jurisprudence, the nikah shall be considered valid—provided all of the fundamental prerequisites of a valid marriage contract have been fulfilled. He didn’t shown any different way to pray for ladies. g in september a small nikah & another… Performing nikah upon accepting Islam. An Islamic marriage contract is considered an integral part of an Islamic marriage, and outlines the rights and responsibilities of the groom and bride or other parties involved in marriage proceedings under Sharia. Boy is not kafu for Girl in Educational, social, economic and cultural aspects. You can't have happiness. However, I'm not going to get into the ins and outs of the conditions of marriage because a nikah that is done 'privately' sounds very fishy. … A: The previous nikaah was valid, Hence, the divorces are counted. 2 copy of CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card) of bride and bridegroom. In principle, the Nikah done in the presence of 1 adult male and 2 adult female witnesses is valid. However, being born in a Muslim family, you may not understand the challenges and difficulties one undergoes in converting to Islam especially when one is face with challenges from ones family as is in your wife Is a secret nikah valid? Slmz mufti! plz inform me what are the consequences for performing nikah twice with the same person e. Your father may deny out of anger initially, but he is a father. The couple will be legally married and any subsequent contact will be permissible. 3. Zina is defined as sexual intercourse between a man and women outside a valid marriage (nikah), the semblance (shubha) of marriage, or lawful ownership of a slave woman (milk yamin). 35 EST. Thus, you can go on with your new would-be marriage. I am sure that you would not appreciate your daughter doing the same to you. As far as the consent of guardian is concerned, it can only be dispensed with if Is a secret nikah valid? I was married to a girl whom I did not wanted to be my wife, I have not made intercourse with her, kindly advice, my nikah is still intact or not. However, if the boy of the first nikah which was conducted secretly is not the kufu of the girl’s family, they (the girl’ family) have a right to object to the nikah as that brings the family to disrepute. If a proposal and acceptance takes place in the presence of two adult male witnesses or one male and two female witnesses, the nikah between the boy and girl is valid. Marriage Without the Consent of a Wali. But if these conditions are not fulfilled, then marriage will be null and void. Both the groom and the bride are to consent to the marriage of their own free wills. Is a secret nikah valid? Performing Secret Marriage; Undecided after performing istikharah; Marriage Without Formal NIKAH. So i signed a nikah paper with him without presence of any witness … QUESTION: Is a secret nikah valid to avoid sin when surrounding circumstances are like so that,it is almost impossible to get married soon. Whether it is considered a formal, binding contract … The procedure of Nikah; Is a Nikah conducted over the phone valid? Aslamu-alaikum I wasnt to know how to read a Nikah? Can you please tell me the basics that need to be covered. My question is whether this nikah is valid without my fathers approval? Is nikah valid - I married my husband by performing nikah. Rasūlullāh ﷺ advised us, A secret nikāh comes with Validity of secret marriage Salam Dear Scholar I prayed istikhara and secretly married a man 2 years ago from a different country and we have never lived together or are still not together Now my family has got a marriage proposal for me from another brother and the person i had the nikah with contacted my father and my father … An 1874 Islamic marriage contract. She Assuming that the conditions of the nikah were fulfilled (mahar paid, free will, witnesses, read by a muslim, not done in secret) this nikah is valid. A bride signing the nikah nama (marriage contract). A formal, binding contract … Is secret nikah valid in Islam? What is the purpose of marriage? The Nikah is a religious ceremony for a Muslim couple to be legally wed under Islamic law, and is when the couple officially says “I accept. It is a simple ceremony, at which the bride does not have to be present so long as she sends two witnesses to the drawn-up agreement. Without his wife knowing, he brought the maid to the mosque. December 2017 - Talaq (Divorce) Tagged as: Converting to Islam, family problems, halal or haraam, halal or haram, is the child illegitimate, is the marriage valid?, maid, married the maid, secret, secret marriage, secret nikah, secret nikkah, secret relationship, shahada, validity of marriage, validity of ni, validity of nikah Is a secret nikah valid? Secret Marriage and Pre-Marital Interaction; Engagement or Nikah now for delayed consummation of marriage? Can a non-aalim Muslim perform the nikah sermon or is it only permissible for an aalim? Marriage in Order of Birth; Is it possible to make nikah to the same girl twice? Therefore, a marriage should not be contracted in secret. ? I am in canada, I don't want to An Islamic marriage is considered both a mutual social agreement and a legal contract. Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askmufti. There are many moral harms and negative consequences of keeping the Nikah a secret. No, a secret marriage is always a bad idea because it entails great disrespect to the parents, a major sin. Purpose of this nikah is to avoid sin of sexual intimacy. Thinking on doing a secret nikah. Do not worry; the nikahs were valid. And what i come to know after nikkah is that he is a chain smoker and he finishes 4 packes of ciggirate a day! This marriage was a lie to me. In fact, if a person makes the condition that he will not give any mahr and that he is marrying the woman without any mahr, he will still have to give the mahr. The minimum conditions for the validity of nikah are the following: The consent of the guardian of the woman Presence of witnesses Offering and acceptance and Mahr (dower). The fact that you did not know your were married is a violation of the standards of nobility and honesty in Islamic contract law even if valid under national laws. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. If a proposal and acceptance takes place in the presence of two adult male witnesses, the Nikah is valid. Is a secret nikah valid? I had my nikaah recently, but rukhsati (Bidaai) of my wife from her parents house is left behind. 3rd he is beinging Facebook anf … A nikāh is valid only if it is witnessed by at least two adult Muslims. “. But to safe guard us from any wrong doing and for Allah's mercy can we perform Nikah now and then again at the end of the year when our family comes down?A: Although permissible, it will be 2) There are two aspects to consider regarding a secret nikah. However, all the conditions of nikah were met in the case you mentioned and therefore the nikah itself is … Is my Nikah still valid after I said "talaq" more than once? The Nikah Has Been Done but the Groom and Bride Did Not Announce the Marriage; Talaq and Rujoo; Secret Nikah; Private Marriage and Divorce. jllynch8 member. Despite it being valid, one will have to give the mahr. It is true that there are scholarly positions in our tradition that allow for two adults to get married without the permission of the woman’s guardian (wali). Is a secret nikah valid? Slmz mufti! plz inform me what are the consequences for performing nikah twice with the same person e. Ur marriage will not be valid until u dnt have a wali. 2) There are two aspects to consider regarding a secret nikah. They probably do know that a son does not need the permission of his parents, but that he involves them out of respect and love. Conditions of Valid Marriage. else speak to any mufti or aalima . When I was doing my bachelors, a guy who is sunni muslim fell in love with me. g in september a small nikah & another… Is Secret Nikah Valid? | Secret Marriage in Islam | Mufti Menk. . Secret Nikah Al Haadi Vol 12 Issue 2, www. They dont like him because he is uneducated and poor and Nikah is a sacred institution and should be given the desired respect. You made a good choice by not to make a big deal out of it without any proof. Ø What if there is a dispute and that leads to divorce? Ø What if you conceive? And also we want to keep the Nikah secret; Is a secret nikah valid? In Islam, nikah ( Arabic: نِكَاح nikāḥ) is a contract between two people. 1 Rasulullah Salallahu Alahi Wa Sallam advised to ‘announce the Nikah’ 2. We got secret marriage. As I was upset about my family I ended up doing nikah. Yes, if a woman marries in a lower class, her guardian reserves the right to terminate the Nikah. com: finding hope and inspiration in Islam. 3 CNIC copy of bride and groom fathers. Answer In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Five years ago, I did an oral Nikah over the phone without an imam or any witnesses. I love a girl so Q: Does a nikah done as a joke (just for the sake of fun) in a friends gathering without the presence of the wali, become valid? Is it valid when the girl says yes just because of peer pressure of acceptance in a group and without having the knowledge of the sensitivity of this subject/issue of nikah. And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best. My clasamate and I are interested in each other and want to get married but as the Pakistan culture is to get married after the guy has a job and good career therefore we cant be married until 2 or 3 years. The requirements are the … There are two aspects to consider with regard to the "secret nikah. They even can add this clause to their Islamic Marriage Contract [Nikah Nama]. 1) Your nikah is valid. A nikāh without any witnesses is not a valid nikāh. There is no secret marriage in Islam. and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best Mufti Ebrahim Desai Original Source Link This answer was collected from Askimam. Is a Secret Nikah Valid? - Ask Mufti Menk - 2018. The witnesses will also sign this document. My question is that if we do Nikah secretly from our parents and Is a secret nikah valid? Nikah at Bridegrooms Home; I am a married man and i want to know if i can record my wife and i performing intercourse? this will not b 4 others to view but just for my… Is nikah valid - I married my husband by performing nikah. He had a proper nikkah with a girl with the approval of both families. The legal manuals condition the presence of two witnesses who hear the offer and acceptance, who are aware it is a marriage. While the first child was conceived out of wedlock, Sacred Law would treat this child as legitimate in terms of their rights and responsibilities because the child was born after six months (the minimum Salam bro. You can not do a secret marriage in this way. The 'secret' nikah may be valid, but how immoral to take such a big step without even trying to mentally prepare the first wife for it. However the couple thinks that whether their nikkah was valid or not. No mahr given. [2] As for the status of the nikah after the divorce is uttered once, this will depend upon the words used to pronounce the divorce. 2. As for holding a nikah in secret, although valid in the Hanafi madh’hab if held in the presence of two adult male Muslim witnesses, it is Tag Archive for: secret nikah. Dear sister. Finally, No. Normally, the IS SECRET MARRIAGE VALID IN ISLAM? - MUFTI MENK #Shorts #Marriage #Nikah#MuftiMenk #Marriageadvice #Shadi#Nikah #Shorts #IslamicShorts#DailyReminder #Muftime 2) There are two aspects to consider regarding a secret nikah. Another big disadvantage … 1. My child’s father doesn’t know his child or pay child support; I found true love after Nikah with another. Now after 1 year the girl is pretty happy and want to live with the guy. Nikah … There are two aspects to consider with regard to the "secret nikah. Validity of Nikah without witnesses? 14269 views; Q. One of the major disadvantages of court marriage or wedding is the case of divorce. My Parents found out about this and now want me to get a divorce from him because I will bring shame to the family. Was My Nikah Valid? The secret nikah performed at the university seventeen months ago is valid. This is compatible with the Prophet’s guidance: “If a person of acceptable religion and character presents himself for marriage, marry If a person regrets a “bad dua” they made for someone, is the dua still valid? More in In Love. Since it is not a valid marriage, divorce is not needed. I was a hindu before but only accepted islam for completing the nikah ceremony Nikah does not take place by the ijab and qubool of boy and girl without witnesses. Legal age for marriage is 18 Hijri years; otherwise, the judge’s approval is required. hotcomm; Recommended hotcomm In principle, the Nikah done in the presence of 1 adult male and 2 adult female witnesses is valid. Nikahs in secret are frowned upon; and a Nikah must have the following: The woman's guardian (this isn't anyone you choose, it has to be a relative of … A valid Nikah 1 Is it permissible to do Nikah when the bride and bridegroom do not know each other 2 Does the girls consent in absence validate the Nikah conducted by the parents of two sides with the presence of the boy All perfect praise be to Allaah The Lord of the Worlds I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah and that … 255898. Hence in the question mentioned above the nikah was not valid, and the Muftis who say that nikah was not valid they are right. It is totally Un-Islamic and considered to be a grave sin as it makes mockery of Islamic law and inflict humiliation on women. 5:32 * All content videos are shared, reposted and embedded from YouTube. I am telling you from someone's experience. If a proposal and acceptance takes place in the presence of two adult male witnesses or one male and two female witnesses, the Nikah between the biy and girl is valid. ? I am in canada, I don't want to Answer. Ghusl before intimate relationship; Secret nikah https://seekersguidance.