Is snhu hard reddit. 6 years with no previous college credits. T
Is snhu hard reddit. 6 years with no previous college credits. The SCS 100 draft assignment due today isn't that hard if you follow the exemplar they provided. Source: I was recently accepted into a top 10 graduate program with my SNHU undergrad. I'm starting my last term at SNHU in 2 weeks and with it, will hopefully be receiving my Bachelor's in Computer Science. "I applied to the MBA program and SNHU accepted me and waived the first 5 intro classes. I actually found MAT 243 Applied Statistics for STEM to be easier for me. So far, everything has been going well! I decided to adopt a strategy of reading all the required textbook chapters a week in advanced so I can use the information from my readings in my discussion posts and milestones. I was thinking of getting the IDS 402 Wellness class completed and out of the way while I take LIT 231 Nature Writers. I'm attending grad school at William & Mary for my MBA and once I finish I'll be promoted to Senior Financial Analyst. 100GB or higher . That might mean they will miss the 7 day deadline for a week or two. Start grinding khan academy now make sure you are solid on algebra 1 and 2. There are two major things in the class. Also A Bsc Pysch is amazing degree to get from SNHU . John Smith. The university has a stigma because of its online presence Hard simply means the more difficult of the two. Some of the classes can be done in a day while some take longer because they have to be graded. Lastly, I currently work in the medical Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. 00 a piece. . See. It has you consider the effects of artwork on society, etc. 00 GPA and be accepted into NSLS and i just realized I am already a lifetime member from 2018 when I was at my local community college all that extra effort for Reviews - Bachelor's in Information Technology. Yes I might be salty for not getting 100% but like wtf. I highly recommend aiming for a 3. For example, there is an “or” operator that requires one of its operands to be true). I was a little afraid but ended up loving the class and got an A. Get prepared because this course is a heavy materials learning. Comp because it walked me through how to write a paper. Well, I managed to get through the class with an A, but I did opt to take next term off to give myself a mental break. In this 300 accounting class there seem to be a worksheet spread over 3 milestones plus 2 extra final project assignments. -The surrounding area doesn't have much to do. 6. Like someone has stated it is just an intro and does not go into depth. Get to know your instructor, personally, via e-mail. It was ridiculously easy. Hoping when I return to take 580 I’ll be able to get through it. I still need to maunally add info to a table, and rename one. Funny. The more selective a school is, they can better choose people more likely to stick it out and better manage teacher to student ratio. I originally enrolled in IDS-403 (Preparing for the Future), but something about the syllabus (can't remember what) really rubbed me the wrong way and I switched to IDS-402 (Wellness) before the class began. I really applaud all of you for continuing your education and not giving up. Once you learn stat crunch it gets easier. I'm currently finishing Eng123 and it was fairly easy. Try your best but C's get degrees. I found it to be challenging, but enjoyed learning the concepts. 580 is worse and it’s the class after 540. If you don't know APA style formatting yet, familiarize yourself with it. r/snhu A place for prospective, current, and former students to ask questions, share resources and experiences, and discuss Southern New Hampshire University. Looking through my grades, my professor wants me to add evaluations for five psychological tests, which will take at least a page, probably two. Im assuming you are in MAT-243 because you are in some tech field. Math for example; they tell us to comment on our peer’s solving strategies but literally everyone uses the same strategy so it’s hard to comment without repeating points from my first reply. I would talk to your advisor and see if you can get a syllabus for the course before making your decision. A place for prospective, current, and former students to ask questions, share resources and experiences, and… Me ! I did 25 courses!!! No one size fits all answers on time. 4% of applicants were admitted to Harvard University, compared with 4. It's my first statistics class, so all of this is pretty foreign to me. The math associated with data analytics is statistics with programming in R. My professor for that class was also amazing, so I’m sure that made me enjoy it even more. The CYB gives you some basic CIS foundations that you can expand on in the future too. I just want to rant for a second. I feel motivated at the same time Towards the end of classes, there’s usually much more due. As with many colleges, the reviews for SNHU are mixed. While I haven't taken Applied Statistics, I used Symbolab and Desmos heavily for Intro to Quantitative Analysis and Precalculus. Peanuts0s • 2 yr. SNHU is proud to offer some of the lowest online tuition rates in the nation. Terms & Policies CS113 for IT140 at SNHU CS115 for IT145 at SNHU CS305 for IT230 at SNHU CS302 for CS255 at SNHU Reply lilia_z Bachelor's [Computer Science ‘21] • Additional comment actions Another factor was that it apparently looks better if you go to a different school to get your MBA because it shows that you are exposed to different views. I'm heading into my final semester and I'm actually a little worried and stressed about this course. At the undergraduate level, an SNHU degree is a reasonable alternative. overall, including the holidays, took about 5 weeks total. It counts as a philosophy credit or an elective so I recommend that! You can do ENG comp I but that usually takes the full 60 days because of grading. Each topic is written by a different author, which does not make for a cohesive and … Managerial Economics at SNHU was harder than my graduate Business Analytics class at William & Mary which is notorious for being a really hard class at MSB. My degree gives like 8 or so math courses to choose from. 438%. So I picked USI - University of Southern Indiana. ago. Multiple tier 1 and 2 schools are online , that doesn’t discredit the degree it just mean you didn’t live in a dormitory 🤷♂️. It is not the foot in the door like it used I took it last term. One thing to note is that it does use Python programming, so if you're not in a computer science / IT program that might be a bit hard. Good. "SNHU has great career services. You do not want to waste time taking courses that the school will not accept. that is where I am stumped. UMUC can work, but it puts significantly more responsibility on your part to get the high quality education that you deserve. My project was along the lines of Walmart developing a fresh pet food deliver service. The class is terrible. Otherwise match any Easy's with those hard's. I hire both internal and external auditors. Andrew0409 • 3 yr. Take precal then calculus at SNHU. Conclusion … ive been working hard at SNHU to get a 4. Short answer, advancement depends on the demand of your field. I can't really say to the difficulty of Calc1 or Precalc at SNHU since I transferred in with those plus Calc2, but stem stats wasn't that bad. This class is the most important class you'll take. The MBA helped my career immensely as I was trying to transition from software development to the sales & marketing side of the organization. I recommend finding a discord server (here on the subreddit there's a few) or study buddies. I have heard that the Sophia stats course is tougher than the SNHU MAT 240 course. A place for prospective, current, and former students to ask questions, share resources and experiences, and… I didn’t take Accounting Info Systems so I don’t have an opinion of that. I eventually switched majors. There are a lot of resources out there, but a bunch of videos won’t be the same as hammering out the work and practicing, and reflecting on what your answers mean. I just need to gush-vent a little bit. r/SNHU. I have transfer a bunch of credits from University of North Texas to SNHU. You will have to do a project which can be a thesis that calls for original research in your field, or a project that Indie game dev here (5+ years) to give experience with both: It ultimately comes down to what your dreams and goals are. Finished with an A, the first two weeks were rough and then it got better for me. If you're always slightly ahead, then you'll have a buffer if either a) you have something come up in your personal life or b) you encounter a section of the course that is tougher for you. The class has you build a persuasive research paper over 8 weeks -- one that takes a position, and then outlines scholarly research to back it up. BUS 206 can be heavy on reading and writing, depending on your experience with law. It’s a lot of reading, 1-2 chapters a week with some chapters being almost 100 pages long. Eng Comp II on Sophia was brutal because you had to do research and write papers. If any feedback is unclear, make sure you're opening the rubric to check CS 305: Software Security : r/SNHU. Just depends on the course to be honest! I had my strategies lol. I just finished MAT-136 with an A last term, its basically Algebra 1 & 2. The BUS 400 will be substantially more demanding. Everything else, with enough dedication, can be finished fast. These classes could easily be substituted for something within your I don't know what I am going to do, likely it does not involve snhu. There is usually an inverse relationship between acceptance rate and graduation rate. I changed my major before starting and then reconsidered and went back to the MBA program. Yeah. Unless you attend Harvard, Dartmouth, MIT or other “Iv Over 3. It's been a while but micro can require a few read through's too based on how quick you pick up the concepts. Calculus two has three pretty substantial exams, but no final exam. If you complete everything by the end of the course the pie chart will be complete. HIS-100 perspectives in hist, HIS-200 Applies hist, HUM-100 perspectives in humanities, and HUM-200 applies humanities; completely irrelevant to someone in the tech field. My father has a successful private practice yet doesn't know much about SNHU. So I’m assuming higher level courses are more work intensive, but not really hard in difficulty of the material being taught. Overall, student life seems to be the most highly reviewed aspect of attending SNHU; the average review for student life is an A+. I got my BA at SNHU in the same major, too, but focused only on the Children & Family concentration. I am stumped on writing a paragraph about a time in my life I used critical thinking. Antivirus Software . This means if you've paid 20k for a ADN program and you decide to do a ADN to BSN program, from what the nurses have told me, you pay about 1,500 (10,000 for the tuition) total, you save 8,500. I used Aleks in high school as well at snhu. I assume that you ask because you are getting ready or have already started attending SNHU and want to ensure that you are not wasting your time and money with a degree that won’t help you get a job. Best, There seems to be no real lessons taught, and we have to teach ourselves on a topic of our choice to write a paper. Codio gives you step one and two, and then asks for step 6. 3 zybooks chapters (one being 30+ subchapters long) and the ridiculous instructions to download and install of visual studio. ) Then it serves no purpose to transfer. synchronicityii • 5 yr. 0 however I would probably have I think it depends on the course. Straighter line might be the cheaper option. I am in my second class this term, English 122. I’m supposed to graduate within the next year and I really think it’s because of Sophia. Either way, you'll have the time to deal with it. You will write 1 big paper that you will be working on during the weeks, and you will have to quote the textbook to analyze the cases and support your recommendations. Skooomz • 3 yr. The platform möbius that SNHU is using for these math SNHU's format works so well for my ADHD. Calculus one has several exams, a final practice exam and a final exam. 170+ or at least high 160s should be your target - there are plenty of success stories of people going from mid 150s with hard work. Now I'm managing or doing the bookkeeping for 6 entities Honestly just finding qualified people with a degree is difficult enough. Online Calculus II Course at SNHU. It is a physical, accredited, non-profit university located in Hooksett, NH that existed before online universities became a thing. That way if you have questions you can reach out before the deadlines. I had a great experience! Hopefully you get Dr. CS330 is probably the hardest class I've had so far. CS210. I’m just wrapping up this course and I was anxious going into it. Many places offer paid internships to college students or outright positions. I also dropped out of highschool so I never really got a proper education. Terms & Policies It’s been alot but very doable. Your success is not governed on where the piece of paper came from. RagingRavenRR • 9 mo. If you graduate with honors or anything above then you should put it on your resume and mention it. I will work really hard on the assignment and posts, only to find that professors only seem to care that you have citations (just, like, literally have them, that's it) and that you hit their word count. This course will make my 106th credit, so I am not a beginner at writing. 0 is close to necessary for having a reasonable shot at a decent school. Expect discussion boards weekly. The python is SUPER easy. Phy-150. Each week you get a section to work on. There is something for everyone and I’d rather do that as an NP because your base pay is generally higher for less stressful work. Usually SNHU is very strict with 7 day deadlines, but on a course rescue, they tend to show some leniency because it's hard to just be dropped into someone else's course on 24 hours notice from the Dean. It is so hard to make good responses when people aren’t even answering the questions. I did not like the method they use to build the paper, so I used the method I know - outline my ideas and build from there. I did the work and got a high grade but the content was trash. sophia and sdc courses are a lot faster than snhu courses so it's not that hard if you got the time. I plan on starting classes at SNHU on the 3rd to eventually get my online degree in Environmental Science. 265. Yeah that course kicked my ass on Sophia. It's doable, just give yourself enough time to read. I feel like the capstone classes need to be rethought from the ground up. I researched online calculators for a lot of things. A couple of factors are at play. Ecstatic_Active_9273 • 1 yr. Within 51 credits or 17 courses, the tuition works out to Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. I kind of feel like It’s a waste of time class because they require 2 history classes. The classes in (I believe) all online GCU programs require constant discussion posts and one writing assignment a week. The first you should have taken, and if your Advisor didn't do it this way SNHU is an accredited school and the online program is, in my opinion, one of the better online programs I've seen. It really just depends on your time management. Therefore, I ask that if anyone is available please feel free to respond to this post or direct message me. Hard Drive . You need only 12 credits from snhu to graduate with a degree in whatever- so if you take a bunch of classes elsewhere and transfer credits elsewhere, you gotta take 12 credits from snhu - so 4 courses. My BS was in business and though I consider myself tech savvy I don't work … SNHU is a non-profit university with quality professors and instructors, and challenging curriculum. This is a time in your life you are using critical thinking. I'm fine with a heavy work load, I've taken classes outside of snhu Now researching these two. ) Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. MBA program at SNHU. It's definitely known for eating time. Just curious I’m almost finished up with the class and just want a B I had taken some basic journal entry classes 20 years ago, so I understood basic accounting principles. I haven't taken MAT 303, but I have taken MAT 243 and after taking that class I never want to deal with statistics again. I would think … SNHU has been a superior experience from my initial contact with the school to classes to advising. I now have 80 credits and I’m able to transfer a few more. LOR = normal credit balance. Also The Cherno on YouTube has some relevant knowledge. A Masters is almost a requirement in my field, so I kept charging to get it done as well. The only things I've seen that resemble tests are little quizzes with multiple choice and free It’s a way to get credits online cheaper and at your own pace, so you can get your degree faster. Shakespeare-Bot • 2 yr. 13K subscribers in the SNHU community. If it wasn’t hard to understand and confusing, you wouldn’t need to take a class on it. CJ-485 Problem Solving for Criminal Justice Professionals is the culminating course in SNHUs criminal justice program. Whether you’re an RN or NP, the nursing field is very broad. You'll be saving 10 grand off of your tuition. Future122 • 4 yr. I've emailed my instructor asking for help, even giving descriptive details and very specific questions and all I get are vague answers. Wow, that's a great video. I did enjoy t. Many reviewers seemed disappointed that their online experience wasn't a cake-walk and complained that when they failed to apply themselves, they received failing grades (the exact opposite of what one would expect of a diploma mill). I spent 3 years at SNHU, graduated, and just finished my first semester at Johns Hopkins for online grad school and I still hate discussion boards. I start this class next semester also. Wasn’t hard, just busy work. Hum 200 seemed to go a bit more in depth compared to hum 100. Go to SNHU r/SNHU • by Great-Carpet-5040. Hello! This is my first week at SNHU studying psychology with an emphasis in mental health. It is hard to get into the Ivy Leagues. 97. It also deals with things like graphs, where nodes (things) are connected to one another and I’m currently taking this class. 0 votes and 0 comments so far on Reddit It kind of depends on what you plan to do with your degree. It helped me understand a bit better. CJ 485. You read a lot of NIST documents and get to use the Spring Framework to fix the vulnerabilities in your code modules. They don't pull any punches. InformationThick7059 • 2 … SNHU is a private, nonprofit university. Both of these projects weren’t too hard, I felt the Instant Feedback tool gives false positives sometimes. I got a 3. ) I love it because it's a lot more lenient Hello Op, I am five classes away from graduation in Operation management with am emphasis in Logistics. Quit worrying about whether your degree from snhu is legit. I finished some in hours and some in days. I'd also take the hard's in that fixed order. I did not really get what they wanted untill I read that. The final exam is similar to the sections, but you only get one It is a workbook where you run a lemonade stand from the start of the business to the end, and it is written in almost childlike linguistics. It's a personal growth achievement that you can be proud of forever and be a good role model for your Sophia is definitely worth it in my opinion. You can ask your advisor for the syllabus, which includes a summary of the work by week (I think). There are required sections that you have to complete by the end of each week. Symbolab is a free online calculator that does a large range of different equations (including functions), and Desmos is a free graphing tool. Does anyone know of any good online resources to get the basics of stats down? Yes!! Graduated with Bachelor’s in Bus Admin in June 2020 and will finish my Masters in July! I loved SNHUs flexibility and already figured I knew how it all worked, so I kept going. Nice_Shake6099 • 2 … As any coding course would be, especially for the beginners, this course would be seriously tough to begin with. I took this a couple terms ago. I have been able to get good grades by just making sure I follow the rubric and just making up some BS based on skimming the articles. I'd recommend study and practice coding 2-3 hours per day and build yourself some training until you get used to coding. I just finished CJ-480, what I’m guessing is the “Legacy My final paper is already well over the page limit, and I still need to add more. Time management is key. It is going to determine how easy the rest of college is going to be for you. I have really bad ADHD and it's always been a huge problem for me. ENG 122. I consulted my adviser before I took the his 114 and she said it would work. So long as you can use excel and can explain your interpretation of the data you will do fine. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. A college doesn't teach you that, but finishing a degree shows that quality. Take advantage of these. I've seen several auditors that have a degree from SNHU and they work for Big 4 CPA companies. That being said, math has always made sense to me, naturally. 3 comments. Here’s how I laid out my week in undergrad online at SNHU: Monday evening I read the objectives and chapters for one class, then made a quick outline of the discussion post. There’s problems to solve in that that you get points for - that goes to an assignment in the grade book. I did my bachelor's there and loved it. Putting it off always makes it worse, but not much you can do about that now. It is an accredited school with both online and on-campus programs and blended learning, too. While completing the sections you complete a percentage of the pie chart. If it's online, it's all just off the rubric anyway and it's a 100 level course so the grading is laid back and much more lenient. Get started as soon as possible, most of that course is waiting for papers to be graded. That's 11 classes. I did get an A in pre-calc and calc as well as stats for stem 1 and and 2, so I'm generally pretty decent at math (this is not meant to be a brag--just to give you an idea of my level of comfort). Early on, you'll be asked to choose a topic and position for this final assignment. Take decent notes, be organized and you’ll do fine. At SNHU, community college transfer students can rest assured that their hard-earned credits will be well-utilized – because it’s part of the school’s mission to help every student succeed. Ultimately, its up to you. The math is done mostly by your scripts which there are instructions that make it pretty easy. I don’t feel like my teacher is helpful or responsive. I severely doubt that Anything with touchstones takes longer because touchstones are manually graded. I didn't had any of the prior knowledge regarding finance and did best in finance exams as compared to Its possible, but you will have some nights with little sleep and stress management should be in your skill set. Which I have free until December. Thebean1967 • 4 yr. I've already got the insight on ACC-202, so I'm looking to see what BUS-400 entails. This vital lesson is: Throughout your career, you'll have to do things that you feel is a total waste of time and you have absolutely no interest in. There’s also a problem set at the end that’s it’s own assignment. It took me almost full 60 days and a lot of actual studying. My final paper was 14 pages long. HIS200 is my first class I have taken at SNHU. The earlier weeks introduce notation, sets and subsets, intersection, union, set difference, symmetric difference, truth tables, Venn diagrams, sentential logic, logical quantifiers, etc. It can definitely be abused unfortunately and if you do abuse it, you will be screwed for high level classes. I suppose I could have been more aggressive. Join. Two months after graduating I was a full staff accountant. Since it’s not a math oriented field I’m sure they won’t be picky. Rather than go to a state school (like Rhode Island College) it would be much easier to do an online program like Southern New Hampshire University. I would have more detail for you, but it was one of Anyone that tells to its not worth it is frankly not trying hard enough to find something that’s worth it to them. One thing I have been frustrated with is discussion posts from other students that are super short and a lot that don’t address the prompt. you get 10 hours of “tutoring” included with your class. So i would personally consider that as a … SNHU Online Reviews - Master's in MBA | GradReports Southern New Hampshire University Online Reviews of MBA Programs 12 Reviews Manchester (NH) … Melissa "I felt compelled to defend SNHU after reading some of these bad reviews. To back my claim I would like to point out that SNHU is the only university I know of that has more people on the Presidents list than the Deans … Not point you to other resources that have no context for what you are asking/working on. Just a lot of research about sustainability, caring about people and the planet, while maintaining a profitable business. From Sophia the college algebra was very straight forward and probably the easiest 3 credit that transfers in as math for graduating at SNHU. Next term is my last one, I'm taking BUS-400 & ACC-202. IDS 402 (Wellness) at SNHU. If I was younger I'd do it, but with a job and a kid, nope. Only 3. Use Modern States. • 20 days ago. Terms & Policies I liked both classes and didn’t find them too hard to juggle. Review all assignments before starting the readings or labs. It's stressful because there's no real course material like a book or anything, so it's a struggle to find out what you're supposed to be doing. Taking 2 classes per term is considered full-time and would take 3. I look at the rubric and compare it to the results. They are quick to lean in and help when I need it. You can complete all gen ed classes through sophia within a couple months which only totals to like 160 bucks. Stats Help (MAT-243) Currently taking MAT-243 in pursuit of a B. Additional comment actions. I took principles of finance this semester along with foundations of computing, linear algebra and physics 1. You get two tries, so it's pretty easy to get right. 57. Did anyone else have to take this class? What were y’alls experiences. So I can't say there's no help, there's just super vague help. Calculus 2 has a show work step on the exams, but I don't recall this being the case for calculus one. I’m having a hard time with this class. Fully online BS/BA programs are dwarfed in number by MS/MA programs, so there just aren't a ton of options out there. Also, my final projects for most classes comes out to be at minimum, 10 pages long. I feel like by the definition of critical thinking that I do that constantly, but to put it into words. The two milestones are 2. 0 or higher though for internship purposes. Congratulations! Discrete math deals with things like logic: proving theorems and deriving Boolean statements (where true things and false things are combined to yield a result. But this little 100 level "history " course Get started on the modules early in the week. I think with the sdc discount coupon it's something like $120-140 a month and that's SNHU is not a diploma mill. I completed mat240 in March, it had been 35 years since my last math class. There’s a test at week 4 and week 7 that aren’t proctored and you can do at any point, you just have to finish it within 3 Calc 225 online. I'm considering taking 2 classes next term at SNHU as I'm trying to plow through the final few classes. Degree: Accounting. I have found it to be much easier than I expected it to be. 🥹. After reapplying they said they made a mistake and required me to take three entry level classes at $1800. I assume that you ask because you are getting ready or have already started attending SNHU and want to ensure that you are not … Answer (1 of 3): I don't actually know what SNHU stands for? It always cracked me up when that one chick from futurama said "snuh," tho. People who assume that it's a diploma mill or equivalent to University of Phoenix haven't taken the time to do more research. I could still work and complete the necessary coursework to get my BS in Accounting. I don't know how you guys cheat but at this point just include me too. The location was given an A- rating, and the party scene received a Ok, this may be a dumb question but does your transfer GPA with sophia count toward SNHU GPA or do they just mark it as a transfer credit? My transfer credits from my previous university don't count so I sort of assumed it was the same and have been blowing through microecon with a passing only mindset but would try harder if it makes a difference! CS 210 was a ton of zybooks work, and a big OOP final project that wasn’t to bad, so just make sure you spend time working through the zybooks and practicing the labs and what not. The instructors are pretty good. I did pretty badly in college the first time I went because it was so free form and open ended, with no kind of visual markers and it was a lot harder for my brain to make sense of schedules and plan . "Finished my B. I just started SNHU's IT master's program. I tooketh psy 222 a few terms back. It's 13k and 12 months, so cheaper than SNHU and also fully online. If you want to be hobbies indie developer. SNHU is scary easy. As soon as I got my grade above a 60% I stopped even trying to do the work. 8k I took ENG122 through SNHU, but hate writing classes. I’m honestly at the point of stopping my program entirely. But easy as long as you do your assignments on time and follow the directions. My degree, with financial aid, is under 8k which is very very cheap considering. As part of its goal to streamline the transfer process, SNHU partners with community colleges and specialized schools to create transfer pathways that Bio 315. Something went wrong. Motorcycle_Madness • 3 yr. Of course it's not Ivy League, but its a great … Is SNHU extremely easy? I started my first semester and I’m taking the Gen Ed classes. 9% the previous year. SNHU is all about what you put into it. I honestly find it pretty easy and chill, definitely less work than a history class I took at another college. Research papers are going to be 80% of what you do in upper level college classes, and this is especially true at SNHU. Taking 1 class per term is considered part-time and would take 6. AVK83 • 3 yr. HIS-100 / ECO-202 (Easy/Hard) INT-210 / ACC-201 (Easy/Hard) You have to get 50 questions out of 90 to get the 3 credits for the course. I took this a while back but I remember mostly looking at the NIST stuff and upgrading all of tackstackstacks BSN, RN • 5 yr. ACC 405 Is a HARD class and there's barely any "resources". That just leaves you major classes that you can finish in a year. I took bus400 with Acc345 and it was so hard! But, acc 309 would probably be fine. For me, the topics we covered I was not as familiar with, so I had to read a lot. I try to get as much done as I can so I can have a day off on the weekend. Exam is (I think) $89. You will need to purchase the web based textbook to complete multiple choice questions, but those are easy and are allowed to be reset if you happen to get any wrong. Be ready to write a paper every single week and a discussion for ALMOST every week. Advice: This class isn't hard. IDS 402: Wellness (analyze the topic of wellness in psychology, biology, sociology, economics, health, and philosophy, and disability) IDS 403: Technology & Society (analyze the relationships between technology, the human condition, and the future) IDS 404: Popular Culture (analyze popular culture impact upon the culture and the individual). 3 years. Zybooks gives a lot more detail, as well as exercises and questions that will tell you when you're right or wrong. I saw sophia can save you a bunch of time and money on your degree depending on how much you're willing to invest into it. Now to your question: A capstone course is a course where you demonstrate that you have mastered the concepts your degree was supposed to teach you. I am currently enrolled in this school and deeply regret my choice of ever … SNHU is not a diploma mill. You have six 8 week terms a year, counting the summer terms. There’s a discussion post due every week, with additional articles to read for those posts. I don't … 14K subscribers in the SNHU community. DEA = dividends, expenses, assets. The quizzes make you look at 4 blocks of code and pick the correct one. Excel and papers. I’m not a fan of the textbook format. As to LSAT, you'll need to really crush it to overcome the GPA and have a shot at a good school. I understand the concepts but find it hard to remember which rule to use when sometimes. Does anyone have any info on it? Is it set up the same as the rest of the courses? Are there any differences? CH-485 is the new Capstone for the CJ programs. It is … Depending on the class, and again especially with the 100-level classes, it can be hard to find a post that's decent enough to really dig into and comment on robustly. I would tell you don’t pursue a degree, you can honestly learn everything to do that on your own or significantly cheaper through Lynda or Udemy. I have not taken statistics before, just turned 30 and haven't had a math course in 10 years. There is a SNHU Professor with YouTube video walkthroughs of the assignments. Answer (1 of 5): This is a great question. It was founded in 1932 … I have flexible work hours so my workday is 730 to 4, two hours break for dinner and relax then school from 6-8. Required for campus students. The online format works well because I'm pretty busy. It's pretty dependent on how you go about it. Feeleth free to asketh mine own aught! I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words. As a business major I will never use anything I’m Pay differs on location so 45-55 k shouldn’t be hard to get. Add a Comment. Until then, I will continue to try to wrap my mind around this course which I'm trying so hard not to fail and that'll be a first for me. Our FNP program is only $637 per credit, or $1,911 per course. I would refrains from matching two of the "Hard" classes below together. And the course provides all of the resources you need so there’s no extra I would imagine they are very similar. Still follow the instructions because he doesn’t do the time consuming stuff like input 10 new people. Back then, the school was just a two-room facility … SNHU is a great way to introduce you to a lot of topics and help you to become familiar with them by giving you the opportunity to do projects. Currently a Bus major doing online corses and I some how magically made it on the honor list. That class gave me so much anxiety. Do SOPHIA CLASSES. This course is extremely helpful for learning the logic and techniques involved in writing proofs (surprise, surprise). Shah for Abnormal Psychology, she was great! I had such a good experience I’m now currently going to SNHU for my MA in CMHC, too, haha! Good luck and have fun! 2. The math isn't hard. Challenges are a small portion of the grade, and pretty easy. It was basic and doesn’t go in depth. On the other hand, at Columbia University, SNHU was established in the spring of 1932 as the New Hampshire Accounting and Secretarial School. This research will need to come from two very specific databases in the Shapiro Library. I haven’t taken a math corse at SNHU, but I know I struggled hard with basic algebra and college algebra when attending regular university. asukakindred • 3 yr. IT 145 is "Introduction to App Development", so it's -technically- an intro class, but in reality it's the second class in a series of classes meant to teach you coding. - The campus is seriously lacking a sense of community. I took INT220 last semester, and highly enjoyed it. I personally believe just having one is a good start for your career and SNHU is a great school. It doesn't cover debits or credits, but otherwise it's a great way to practice the basics we learned in the Sophia accounting class (A/P, notes payable, sales, equity, A/R, etc). You can obviously learn all this stuff online at your point but a degree is worth it if you can get one so if you can, I say go for it but don't be afraid to continue learning outside the classroom and I DID IT! Finally finished my degree. Same experience as Bachelors, still taking two classes at a time, but English composition 2 teaches you how to write research papers. Just wanted to share my thoughts for people along the way. You can ask for an extension if you need to. Use the videos, the help feature and show me a similar problem. Cyynric • 9 mo. If you do take it good luck, I imagine not a lot of STEM majors have. First of all, be proud that you're completing a college degree. And SNHU leaves out fundamentals but instead is more practical for real world prep. If you’re doubling up on MAT 415 and another hard course, that would be an absolute nightmare. I've also seen Reddit commenters say that these programs aren't great for someone looking to get into data analytics. If you put in the bare minimum, your knowledge will be the bare minimum. I found both classes easy, the only trouble I had in hum 200 was the short stories in the sumo web text or describing the art shown, wasn’t my favorite class but they were both easy classes as long as you do the work you should get an A. Not every student who applies to SNHU … Answer (1 of 5): This is a great question. It’s so frustrating being in undergrad business after being in a leadership role Its pretty much the same thing as College Algebra. This is also not including any other classes you may want to get transferred from Sophia (depending on your degree plan & if you want to take Sophia classes and have them transferred as a general elective. I have seen on Reddit the UMGC program is not very thorough. For those thinking about going to SNHU, just remember is about how much you want to learn. MoHikes • 2 yr. I ended up with an A, but I'm not really sure how. Short answer questions are very simple and not graded Sophia College Algebra. A. Hooksett is really just a pit stop between Manchester and Concord. It is hard. It’s not that bad, the key I found is keeping good notes on why you make the changes SOPHIA LEARNING - Need suggestions! Hello all! I am a student at SNHU and I am looking to take 6 of these courses (listed below) in order to graduate sooner. There is a final exam the last week that is a combination of everything from the previous weeks. PaladinofChronos • 10 mo. Alternatively, take a CLEP exam instead, that is a single test although it is usually done at an in-person testing center. It teaches you the most valuable lesson of your undergrad. " Megan. I've taken 3 classes on Sophia and it would have been literally, literally impossible to complete any of them in a day. Mat 230 was for me, reading through each section individually and then doing the practice problems for that section. I really just needed a refresher course since it's been so long since I wrote essays. Not sure yet if this degree will help me get the job I want but I'm definitely hoping so. Second, learning on the job experience makes the school work easier. The professor isn't the teacher- they are an optional resource that also happens to grade my work lol. 2. Nmckenzie511 • 2 yr. My eventual goal is to be a CPA. Getting honors for a single semester though is not worth mentioning unless your in need of something like a scholarship, or trying to take 3 classes at once it helps show your work ethic. I am in both CS courses mentioned here multiple times as the most difficult (CS-330 and Mat-243) and both at the same time! Stay ahead of your reading and assignments. I was wondering if anyone has any words of wisdom for someone who has been out of college for 15+ years, never attended online schooling, and is working full time as they start this journey. I just finished mat-240 through SNHU, I got a 97. However, it really isn't hard. I wrote out formulas in notebook. Best. You should be able to grasp the math but keep in mind the R compiler is doing the computationyou need to learn choosing the right algorithms and reading the results. A lesson that has nothing to do with the course content. Remember that all the information in mobius can turned into a pdf or printed. I went into SNHU to get an online master's degree with this exact mindset. They help two significant ways. What has been your favorite course you have taken so far with SNHU? I’ll go first, I really enjoyed PSY-215 (Abnormal Psychology). I liked the SNHU Eng. SNHU isn't that selective. How do you show step by step work. Don’t skip a semester between. I’m curious to … Southern New Hampshire University is a private institution that was founded in 1932. Check out Udemy they have some great courses on Python. I’ll be finishing my online classes at snhu really soon I only have 5 left and was just wondering how everyone’s experience was with these classes Degree: MBA. Why does SNHU have a bad rep? - Quora. The duty is on the student to be the teacher, use other resources to learn and understand concepts, and reach out to the professor and other classmates if you feel you His-100 Perspectives in history. At my hospital, the institution pays 85% of the RN to BSN tuition. My trick was I would do the homework as soon as it came out, Sunday or That is key to completing your assignments. Has anyone taken or currently taking this class? I literally have had 0 problems up until this point but this guy is super nit picky and I’m wondering how anyone could be meeting what he is asking in the rubric and getting passing grades on certain assignments. FIN - 320. iirc this is coded in C++, so you can use the system specific clear screen functions to keep your console from getting all cluttered up in your main Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. The assignments are pretty silly. I also took his 114 on sophia and it took the place of his 200 on my transcript. The higher, the better. However, I’ve taken MAT 230 and PHL 214 at the same time as well as MAT 299 and MAT 243 at the same time. So keep that in mind when you're completing those milestones and preparing for your final projects. The final projects/milestones are daunting, but once you get feedback on the milestones, the final is REALLY easy. It’s has been mostly derivatives. There were a couple things that stomped me, but overall wasnt too bad. 11 x 960 = $10,560. Practice test is $10. I feel like no degree really guarantees a job , experience does . dny209 • 3 yr. zjd0114 • 10 mo. I don't want to get fucked by the curve. The quality of responses gets better, but they still feel like the biggest hurdle I have to overcome each week. My advice to OP is that if SNHU is the right college for them, (based on the ability to perform, cost, etc. I want to take College Algebra instead of Mat-136, however I'm very bad at math and I feel It really depends on which two math classes you would double up on. They tend to give you information that makes later classes easier. It's mostly centered around Set Theory. But I don’t wanna take anything math related at SNHU. Last summer, I was able to get 17 classes done in 2 1/2 months. For the exams were they hard. Anyone else take this course? The first week was meh whatever, but I'm on week two and it feels like the work load is absolutely packed on. Once I earned my bachelors from SNHU and looked back at doing it while having a career and family, it made it all the sweeter. I’m in the middle of calc 1 and have been using the organic chemistry tutor on YouTube. Jesus I didn’t realize the exams are so expensive. I did Eng Comp I at SNHU and Comp II on Sophia. Optimize your time by working on a touchstone class alongside a non-touchstone. There’s a lot of work! The program doesn’t require you to have a business background but my Bachelors is in counseling and i was beyond lost, Even with the Instructors guidance. I'm glad I didn't take this course alongside other courses while working full-time. I completed all my classes (all but one were non-touchstones) within 3 weeks before starting SNHU. Kcblue19 • 2 yr. Its still the most accomplished thing I have done where I put in hard, hard work and dedication. I honestly cannot base my review off anything with the finance department … Southern New Hampshire University is a private, nonprofit institution of higher education that has become one of the most popular online colleges in the US. This is your sign to take your CLEPs. Because of that, I felt the workload was a bit heavy, but as this is my first term at SNHU I don't have other classes to compare to it. from SHNU and I must say it has paid off from a knowledge standpoint. I felt principle of finance much much easier than other 3 subjects and it didn't even required much workload as compared to others. in Mathematics. No quizzes, etc. It’s going to depend a lot of how motivated you are ! It is totally feasible to do multiple courses at the same time and finish them within 60 days! If you do multiple ones at the same time and go hard the SNHU workload will seem easy , … SNHU is primarily writing-based, I'd assume because they know students would likely cheat on any test. Which will make you post graduate job hunt much easier. Go to another school that will charge you the … A few have been more challenging but I wouldn't describe any as having been hard. Strongly recommended for online students. These classes aren't to heavy at all. You will learn a lot about how to use excel and you will write papers about your findings. If you are into history, I think it will be fine. I don't know what's going on but either everyone is a genius in this class or I suspect some kind of cheating. If I For what it's worth, I originally enrolled in a different IDS class (I can't remember which), didn't appreciate the curriculum, transferred to -402, and only barely tolerated it. If you take Straighterline's College Algebra it will count for MAT136. (Again, just like any other college. As others have stated, SNHU is a regionally accredited school and you will have no issue with graduate programs as long as you meet the pre-reqs. As a 100-level class, it's pretty simple work, mostly going over the different types of humanities. S. Wasn’t a big fan of Research Methods but that was also because the prof was an extremely hard grader. IT145 was a lot of fun, especially when you realize that the IDEs do a whole lot of the work for you in identifying and correcting issues with your code, you just have to have a clear idea of what your program is supposed to accomplish and what functions you want to use. I started SNHU as our company interdepartmental mail courier. I got mine back graded today, so starting on the final draft. Trust me, don't do it. The 201 accounting class was 1 worksheet spread over 3 milestones. Listen up penman (which btw is a stupid mascot, out of all the mascots that could've been chosen). Guys I’m about to take PHY-150, please suggest me best rating Professor to make sure grading and course load is fair. I did my MBA at SNHU before they had all the online options, and am completing a graduate certificate now. Skim through the readings before diving in. The LIT class seems easy enough but I'm wondering how intense the workload is for IDS 402. Ambitious-Jump • 2 yr. Hello! I am finishing up my BS in Business Administration with a concentration in HR in October. You’re not going to understand account in 1 week. I started following this reddit to decide if I want to do my masters here. tcawl • 4 yr. Had an disagreement with the instructor for 315 where they wanted a source cited for each discussion, even though it wasn’t Thanks! Cockoid22000 • 5 mo. Both semesters were more than manageable. Please do note, I have no computer science background except for what I have learned at SNHU. Python is good, lots of companies utilize Python and if you can learn it, do it. First, they give you work experience. When I combined my milestones, it was 12 pages long, whereas the page limit was 10 pages. 1. Has anyone taken either of these … BL was a lot of reading/writing so it can be a time sink. 406 is mostly writing. You have to be self-disciplined though, and you have to be pretty organized and really pay attention to the reading material if you want to succeed. Computer Science degrees require a lot of self study and a lot of motivation. I’m only finishing up on week two but it doesn’t seem too hard. VDOM DHTML tml>. 305 and 315 were both easy, just a little annoying. I am a full-time student and work full-time and am wanting to know if anyone has taken these courses and if they have which ones were the quickest to complete with minimal writing involved. I did work really hard on it but as long as you do the same and align all your work with the different steps of the rubric you’ll Depends. I had history 113 transfer in from another college and it took the place of his 100. Is Southern New Hampshire University a legitimate institution? - Quora. My experience may be a little harder to relate too for I have been programming for many many years prior too taking IT-140 last term. Currently have a perfect grade- even when I half ass the assignment. The big assignments (projects) determine most of our grades, and we submit 'milestones' (parts of the project) throughout the course for feedback. It’s probably the best way to get a Computer Science degree if all you want to do is check a box and move on. All of my interactions with staff from advising to financial aid has … SNHU is laughable and I highly suggest if you want an actual education look elsewhere. MAT 225 Calc 1: Single Variable Calc was the toughest for me so far. The class as a whole, is graded off 5 discussions posts, 8 final project submissions, 6 run the code challenges which my class used codio though I have heard of other sections using DEA = normal debit balance. 13. Reviewed: 9/21/2021. LOR = liabilities, owner equity, revenues. There is no way the lowest grade for quiz #2 was a 60%. One of the few things I disliked about an SNHU experience that, overall, I found quite wonderful. Just finished it this past term. Re STEM statistics: it used Python and was more of a course on making sense of data than you actually doing real calculations, if that puts you at ease at all. Take notes and highlight everything! For help Khan Academy is great and Chegg, Symbolab, Mathpapa etc will be your best friend when you dont understand The Java and C++ classes use Zybooks, which is significantly better at teaching than Codio, at the cost of actually having a monetary cost. Lower level classes (anything below calc 3) is all online with autograding. There are a lot of youtube videos that help, even ones specific to MAT-240 if you search just right. It honestly doesn't matter. Review what you don't understand over and over until you get the concept, use external sources if the class material isn't explaining it correctly for your learning style, and don't be afraid to reach out for help via professor or tutoring. You’ll be fine. It's what you make of it. CCIE_14661 • 4 mo. On the other hand, diversity, the campus, safety, and campus life all received an A average. Reach out to your advisor now and tell them you want to do them so you can be registered for the right things at SNHU. This class was pretty engaging imo. It was very hard to make friends. You can earn a free test voucher from modernstates. There’s plenty of psych classes on Sophia so take a look and maybe you can bang out A bachelor’s degree takes 120 credits, which is around 40 courses. Because it is legit. [deleted] •. I was able to do 11 classes in one month for $100. Schedule the time you are going to work on assignments in advance. Mostly it is about interpretation of results rather than knowing the equations. It shouldn't be tolerated. I took IDS 403 and it was centered around the post modernistic idea that technology is a social construct and we were forced to talk about this random theory rather than what would have been more useful actually talking about the details of technology For some classes I think they are great but for others I think they are not needed. Getting a MBA is not as great as it once was as everyone can get an MBA now. The assignments are not hard at all. Looking for advice, tips and anyone's experience or review of OL-421 Strategic Management. I'm just finishing up Calculus II online at SNHU. If you run into issues in Micro, visit Marginal University and watch their videos. If you end up wanting to take Sophia courses, then talk to your counselor first to make sure you take credits that will for sure transfer. Commands: !ShakespeareInsult, !fordo, !optout. The biggest part is leaning and remembering all the rules for derivatives. Classes weren't overly difficult, but I really took advantage of the extra webinars available during the week. I’ve heard ENG comp I is faster than ENG comp II because you can submit all the assignments at once though. Not really. Many times I want to quit and don’t think I can do this. If I was going for a 4. If I remember correctly, BUS400 was pick a topic and research but also pick a service that could be improved upon. Professor Leonard's Calculus II lectures on YouTube were instrumental for me. I … It sounds like your work ethic is much like my own. That being said it seems SNHU accepts more Sophia credits. There's one paper to write and you submit bits of it each week. It is not a diploma mill. ALEKS is not too hard to learn from. milan_2_minsk • 10 mo. I've been thinking of switching my concentration to Data Analytics, but there don't seem to be any math/stats classes. I'm in this class right now and it's one of the most stressful ones I've had at SNHU. org. If I remember correctly there is usually a quiz every week that consists of 15-25 questions and usually a discussion that pertains to that weeks material. … Yes IDS courses are terrible. Hello- I’m about to embark upon getting my MBA with a concentration in project management at SNHU. ive been working hard at SNHU to get a 4. They have a 94% acceptance rate. The history classes on Sophia are the equivalent of the 100 and 200 History classes at SNHU. 8. 4. I just transferred to SNHU and a lot of my credits didn’t cover my gen Ed’s (came in with 82 originally and only got 49). If you're a Python pro, then skip it with sophia. So far my instructor has only asked for a 1-2 page paper each week. Also, Ima be real and tell you, the animation courses, art courses, drawing courses, and other courses too, but those especially, you're really SNHU is the most cost effective imho. 5 gpa which is not super hard to achieve at snhu if you turn in all your work on time and at least try to follow the rubric on assignments. Depending on what your concentration is, you can get different courses. Terms & Policies 2 years is pretty realistic if you're taking your time. For starters, there are 6 undergraduate terms per year, each being 8 weeks long. If I were starting over again, I'd take a hard look at Oregon State University—they offer over 20 BS/BA majors, fully online, and it's a respected school. 5/3 parts of the project so the last week was just taking instructor feedback on the milestones and updating citations/references. I was computer science and recently changed to data analytics- I have about a year left to graduate so I've calculus already and coding. The first 4 weeks were challenging, but doable. As a tech person, I found every class that had to do with liberal arts to be a complete waste of time. They may be the easiest and simplest classes I’ve ever taken, requiring little work. I'm about to turn in a book. But if you’re serious about your education, UMBC or UMD are much better options. KingViper999 • 4 yr. One downside is I completed my degree without ever touching Quickbooks. However, long term stress isn't good for you. 00 GPA and be accepted into NSLS and i just realized I am already a lifetime member from 2018 when I was at my local community … I just completed CS107 the equivalent to DAD220 SNHU. I feel like there's none really but that isn't totally true. So the discussions are due Thursdays, homework due Sundays. I decided to take ENG123 through Sophia to get it done quicker. All of my accounting classes have been really interesting and useful though, so the intermediate accounting class is a good one. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 2,777 (fall 2021), its setting is suburban, and the campus size is A meal will put you back $15. By all means take it on sophia, but be sure to really learn the material. Typically, earning a bachelor’s degree takes 4 years, but depending on your previous education and whether you’re a full- or part-time student, it may take a shorter or longer length of time. About the only problem I had was when we got to Module 4 and were asked to Advise not specifically for math 140, but education in general. Last semester I even had a course where the teacher was super anal about APA and I did excellent in that course.