Matthew henry concise commentary. As long as we live, we must
Matthew henry concise commentary. As long as we live, we must still learn. (1-12) The temple is finished. (Read John 7:37-39) On the last day of the feast of tabernacles, the Jews drew water and poured it out before the Lord. (Read Proverbs 16:33) All the disposal of Providence concerning our affairs, we must look upon to be the determining what we referred to God; and we must be reconciled to them accordingly. Exodus 6. He is "Jesus," the Saviour, and "Christ," the Messiah, the Anointed. It is still in force; Christ abideth for ever in his person, and his spiritual seed, who are his by faith. (Read Mark 1:9-13) Christ's baptism was his first public appearance, after he had long lived unknown. The sword of his word slays the lusts of his people, and all at enmity with them. Emmalon Davis CCEL Staff Writer Popularity 89% Available formats Read online … 1. (19-24) Trust in God … Matthew Henry was an English non-conformist clergyman. These must go together: we are not truly honest, if we Commentary on Romans 12:3-8. The holy God will reward, and therefore will employ, none but such as he makes holy. This delusion arises from the abuse of God's long-suffering, and a wilful mistake of his character and the intention of his gospel. Commentary on Luke 6:1-5. Commentary on 1 John 4:7-13. The man who has a slandering tongue, cannot have a Commentary on Isaiah 11:10-16. Their efforts would be vain, and themselves broken to pieces. The doctrine of grace and salvation by the gospel, is for all ranks and conditions of men. Commentary on John 1:1-5. (Read Psalm 107:17-22) If we knew no sin, we should know no sickness. It is like the members of the same body being without concern for one another, or quarrelling with each other. Matthew. How deceitful the defence of the rich man, who has his portion and treasure in this world! It is a strong city and a high wall only in his own conceit; for it will fail when most in need. Abram did as God commanded him. Yet they are only an earnest of the happiness of heaven; but how can men desire to enter that holy Commentary on Daniel 7:9-14. Commentary on Hebrews 6:1-8. (Read Luke 3:21-22) Christ did not confess sin, as others did, for he had none to confess; but he prayed, as others did, and kept up communion with his Father. It teaches to forsake sin; to have no more to do with it. A new life needs suitable food. Psalm 2. He charges them to look upon the ruin of the Jewish nation as near. Christ's going on with his undertaking for the salvation of mankind, was, is, and will be, the wonder of all his disciples. The sinner's supplication is, Spare us, good Lord. (Read Hebrews 4:1-10) The privileges we have under the gospel, are greater than any had under the law of Moses, though the same gospel for substance was preached under both Testaments. Pray; pray often; make a business of prayer, and be serious and earnest in it. By this we learn the difference between the Commentary on Daniel 12:5-13. If the use of them does not mend, it will harden. The end of sin is death. Few know the fear and trembling of Commentary on Acts 1:1-5. They are taken away in compassion, that they may not see the evil, nor share in it, nor be tempted by it. Those will be most happy who begin the soonest to serve so good a Master. He asserts, His existence in the beginning; His Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible is developed from the author's rare ability to express profound spiritual insights with simplicity and eloquence. The covenant was made with Abraham and his Seed. This psalm belongs to Solomon in part, but to Christ more fully and clearly. See the folly of those who go about to cover their sins, for they cannot do so. It is by the power and mercy of God that Commentary on Isaiah 55:6-13. Commentary on John 8:17-20. Originally written in 1706, Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary … There is also a smaller devotional commentary on the Bible from Henry known as Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary. The king was kind to him; he granted all his requests, whatever Ezra desired to enable him to serve his country. Commentary on Psalm 72:1. Commentary on 2 Timothy 4:9-13. If any man desires to be truly and for ever happy, let him apply to Christ, and be ruled by him. They are to his soul as the nest to the bird. (Read Philippians 4:1) The believing hope and prospect of eternal life, should make us steady and constant in our Christian course. The Holy Ghost further signified and showed that the Old Testament Commentary on Acts 10:9-18. The day and time when he had this vision was the Lord's Commentary on Psalm 73:15-20. Blessed are those that give themselves up to the will of God; for he knows what is good for them. The ordinances of Christ, if they do not make us better, will be apt to make us worse. Exodus 5. An earnest exhortation to stand fast in the liberty of the gospel. (5-8) How to pray. Commentary on Genesis 1:1-2. Christ knows and considers our frames. Riches make men look great in the eye of the world; but to one that takes right views, Nabal looked very mean. (Read Luke 1:26-38) We have here an account of the mother of our Lord; though we are not to pray to her, yet we ought to praise God for her. (Read John 14:1-11) Here are three words, upon any of which stress may be laid. They were not to be quarrelsome, but to show meekness on all occasions, not toward friends only, but to all men, though with wisdom, James 3:13. There may be perils and afflictions of this present time, where there is an interest in Christ. But even the Redeemer, who spake as never man spake in Commentary on Luke 21:29-38. Though the way may seem pleasant and inviting, yet it Commentary on Jude 1:8-16. --G ENESIS TO D EUTERONOMY. Faith and patience enable believers to follow peace and holiness, as Commentary on Proverbs 18:10-11. (Read Luke 24:28-35) If we would have Christ dwell with us, we must be earnest with him. But none who rightly know the heart of man, can wonder at the contempt and enmity of ungodly people against the children of God. The word heart. Genesis 2. We must come for bread; for that which is needful. An earthly, sensual conversation suits not a heavenly calling. Upon the word troubled. All must plead guilty. Though the same as a man, he is changed in his Commentary on Numbers 11:16-23. Justification takes away the guilt, and so makes way for peace. Those whom God loves as a Father, may despise the hatred of all the world. . Commentary on Mark 12:28-34. Commentary on 1 John 3:11-15. These point to the quickening and sanctifying influences of the Holy Spirit, as given to sinners through Christ. Commentary on Psalm 51:7-15. He took bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gave to them. (Read Ruth 2:17-23) It encourages industry, that in all labour, even that of gleaning, there is profit. We should not be always speaking about outward things; these have their places and use, but often take up too much attention and time, which might be better employed. The poor in spirit are happy. While in this world we sometimes find ourselves in straits, even when we think ourselves in fulness. All that love the Saviour should continue in their love to him, and take all occasions to show it. (Read James 1:26-27) When men take more pains to seem religious than really to be so, it is a sign their religion is in vain. Commentary on John 11:17-32. Wherever this is the ruling principle in the soul, there is a disposition to every other duty. Wordly and fleshly lusts are distempers, which will not allow content or satisfaction. Genesis Genesis Intro Genesis 1 Genesis 2 … Commentary on Revelation 1:9-11. Commentary on 2 Corinthians 12:7-10. (Read Philippians 1:27-30) Those who profess the gospel of Christ, should live as becomes those who believe gospel truths, submit to gospel laws, and depend upon gospel promises. Commentary on Romans 15:8-13. In the spiritual body, some are fitted for and called to one sort of work; others for another sort of work. Introduction Isaiah 1 Isaiah 2 Isaiah 3 Isaiah 4 … Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible [Table of Contents]. (Read Isaiah 65:17-25) In the grace and comfort believers have in and from Christ, we are to look for this new heaven and new earth. He divided the beasts in the midst, according to the ceremony used in confirming covenants, Jeremiah 34:18,19. (Read Matthew 25:14-30) Christ keeps no servants to be idle: they have received their all from him, and have nothing they can call their own but sin. Exodus 3. Commentary on Titus 1:1-4. We are tempted to fret at this, to think them the only happy people, and so we are prone to do like them: but this we are warned against. And so far must his disciples be from thinking how to prevent his sufferings, that they Commentary on 1 Corinthians 2:1-5. The most resolute in sinful pursuits, are commonly most crossed in them. Though many reproached and reviled him, yet some pitied him. He had a false notion, that if he could get some prophet to pray for evil upon them, and to pronounce a blessing upon himself and his forces, that then he should be able to deal Commentary on 1 Thessalonians 5:16-22. (Read John 8:17-20) If we knew Christ better, we should know the Father better. (Read Jude 1:8-16) False teachers are dreamers; they greatly defile and grievously wound the soul. Christians are saints, or holy people; not only the eminent ones, as Saint Peter and Saint Paul, but every sincere professor of the faith of Christ. Study the bible online using commentary on Matthew and more! Originally written in 1706, Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary provides a condensed look at nearly every verse in the Bible. (14-17) The scribe's zealous proposal. Isaiah 36. If, when we strayed like wandering sheep, he Commentary on Luke 24:28-35. Clouds and darkness often surround the children of the light and of the day. The ordinances of God are the believer's solace in this evil world; in them he enjoys the presence of the living God: this causes him to regret his absence from them. The time of our departure out of the world, depends upon God. Exodus 7. The church is compared to a city, and every converted sinner is free of it. That through this Man, who died and rose again, is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins. When a poor sinner is awakened to a sense of his state, and fears that he must soon sink under the just wrath of God, then he finds trouble and sorrow. Nothing can separate a true believer from the love of Christ. We may still, by faithful and fervent prayer, apply to Christ, and ought to do so when sickness is in our families. The afflictions of the saints often come from God's love; but the rebukes of sinners, and of believers for their sins, must be seen coming from the displeasure of God. Commentary on James 5:1-6. Whom the Father sends, he sanctifies. (Read Mark 14:12-21) Nothing could be less the result of human foresight than the events here related. Ruth was pleased with what she gained by her own industry, and was careful to secure it. When God, by his grace and providence, is coming towards us in ways of mercy and comfort, we should, like Martha, … Commentary on Hebrews 9:11-14. The wind was an emblem of the Spirit of God, and represented his quickening powers. Ask, as a beggar asks alms. One of the angels asking how long it should be to the end of these wonders, a solemn reply is made, that it would be for a time, times, and a half, the period mentioned 25, and in the Revelation. (Read John 1:1-5) The plainest reason why the Son of God is called the Word, seems to be, that as our words explain our minds to others, so was the Son of God sent in order to reveal his Father's mind to the world. As the Father loved Christ, who was most worthy, so he loved his disciples, who were unworthy. The weakness of the body is the effect of sickness. Matthew Henry’s Bible Commentary (concise) Isaiah. His favours are renewed, as our wants and necessities are. When to awake; Now; and to awake out of the sleep of carnal security, sloth, and negligence; out of the sleep of spiritual death, and out of the sleep of spiritual deadness. Be not cast down and disquieted. The apostles met together at Jerusalem; Christ having ordered them not to depart thence, but to wait for the pouring out of the Holy Spirit. (Read 1 Corinthians 12:27-31) Contempt, hatred, envy, and strife, are very unnatural in Christians. Christ, in his person, and offices, and sufferings, is the sum and substance of the gospel, and ought to be the great subject of a gospel minister's preaching, but not so as to leave out other parts of God's revealed truth and will. The kingdom of the Messiah is founded upon an eternal decree of God the Father. Commentary on John 18:1-12. Those that have experienced the pleasure and profit of communion with him, cannot but desire more of his company. (Read Revelation 22:1-5) All streams of earthly comfort are muddy; but these are clear, and refreshing. When we look abroad we see the world full of evil-doers, that flourish and live in ease. Psalm 4. (Read Psalm 51:7-15) Purge me with hyssop, with the blood of Christ applied to my soul by a lively faith, as the water of purification was sprinkled with a bunch of hyssop. Converting grace makes the soul that was a wilderness, to rejoice with joy and singing, and to blossom abundantly. We are not told what this thorn in the flesh was, whether some great trouble, or some great temptation. So it was seen of old, therefore let us not marvel at the matter. (Read Daniel 7:9-14) These verses are for the comfort and support of the people of God, in reference to the persecutions that would come upon them. Thus, please see the commentary on 2 Kings 18. God's people are children who will not lie, who dare not lie, who hate and abhor lying. Commentary on John 10:31-38. (13-22) Commentary on Ezra 6:1-12 (Read Ezra 6:1-12). Nothing is left upon record but their names and ages; the Holy Ghost seeming to hasten through them to the history of Abram. See what fools they are, who make themselves drudges to the world, which affords a man Commentary on 1 Samuel 3:19-21. Commentary on Revelation 22:1-5. The blessing of God is the cause of our doing well. It is not a curse causeless, or for some light cause. (Read Ezekiel 37:1-14) No created power could restore human bones to life. Guilty before God, is a dreadful word; but no man can be justified by a law which condemns him for breaking it. God never promises more than he is able to perform, as men often do. The believing fear of God preserves against the disquieting fear of man. But these must have been for ever hidden from us, if God had not made them known by his written word, preached gospel, and Spirit of truth. Commentary on Psalm 34:11-22. Our care must be, that we may have wisdom and grace to know how to suffer with Commentary on Proverbs 16:33. His … Originally written in 1706, Matthew Henry's six volume Complete Commentary provides an exhaustive look at every verse in the Bible. John 2. Commentary on Isaiah 35:1-4. The ruin of the young is either living by no rule at all, or choosing false rules: let them walk by Scripture rules. In the time of treading down, God kept his faithful witnesses to attest the truth of his word and worship, and the excellence of his ways, The number of these witnesses is small, yet enough. The word and providence of God have a black and dark side toward sin and Commentary on Matthew 9:1-8. Commentary on Hebrews 13:16-21. He kept up respect for God's people, and with that he restrained himself from speaking what he had thought amiss. This love is the special fruit of our faith, and a certain sign of our being born again. It shows their afflicted, persecuted state, and deep sorrow for the abominations against Commentary on Daniel 6:18-24. Psalm 1. Observe, all the three voices from heaven, by which the Father bare witness to the Son, were pronounced while he was praying, or soon after, Luke 9:35; John Commentary on Numbers 22:1-14. The pillar of cloud and fire came behind them, where they needed a guard, and it was a wall between them and their enemies. A glimpse of that kingdom was given in the transfiguration of Christ. As to the contest about the body of Moses, it appears that Satan wished to make the Commentary on Luke 7:1-10. Your sins, though many and great, may be forgiven, and they may be so without any injury to God's honour. Commentary on Psalm 37:1-6. (Read John 3:22-36) John was fully satisfied with the place and work assigned him; but Jesus came on a more important work. Our Lord Jesus came forth, willing to be exposed to their scorn. Let us thus take care that we lose not those things which we have wrought, which we have gained for our souls' good, Genesis 34. As in our purposes, so in our desires, we must remember to say, If the Lord will, James 4:15. This would be a baptism by the Holy Ghost, giving them power to work miracles, and enlightening and sanctifying their souls. If lesser difficulties be got over, God will raise greater. Commentary on Genesis 11:10-26. Commentary on Exodus 14:15-20. (Read Luke 11:5-13) Christ encourages fervency and constancy in prayer. Masters ought to take particular care of their servants when they are sick. Bible > Bible Commentary. He that does not love the image of God in his people, has no saving knowledge of God. We must show love for our friends, not only by praying for them, but by praising God for them. Take heed of anger and ungoverned passions. God lead us into them, and lead us on in them. It shall not be in vain to seek God, now his word is calling to us, and his Spirit is striving with us. Our receiving from Christ is in order to our working for him. Common sense tells us to be cautious, while experience and observation show that the success of frauds in matters of religion has been very short. As this is the nature of God, his doctrines and precepts must be such. The great duty of children is, to obey their parents. What the evangelist says of Christ proves that he is God. Commentary on Proverbs 1:7-9. He dwells in the heart by faith. It is folly for those who are pursued by the wrath of God, to think to hide or shelter themselves from it. Ask, as a traveller asks the way. Commentary on Acts 13:38-41. And as his perfect happiness cannot be separated from his perfect Commentary on Romans 6:21-23. Those who honour God he will honour. By preaching the gospel, freely, the apostle showed that he acted from principles of zeal and love, and Commentary on 1 Timothy 2:1-7. (Read Titus 1:1-4) All are the servants of God who are not slaves of sin and Satan. Judea was prosperous in the days of Hezekiah, but the kingdom of Christ is the great subject intended. They are humble and lowly in their own eyes. The corruption in our nature, will for ever stop any justification by our own works. (Read Romans 11:33-36) The apostle Paul knew the mysteries of the kingdom of God as well as ever any man; yet he confesses himself at a loss; and despairing to find the bottom, he humbly sits down at the brink, and adores the depth. Christ chose patients whose diseases were incurable in the course of nature, to show how desperate was the case of fallen mankind. A blessed change takes place in the sinner's state, when he becomes a true believer, whatever he has been. Calling upon all the nations to praise the Lord Commentary on Isaiah 54:6-10. Secret sins are known to God, and shall be reckoned for. The prejudices of Peter against the Gentiles, would have prevented his going to Cornelius, unless the Lord had prepared him for this service. (Read 1 Thessalonians 5:16-22) We are to rejoice in creature-comforts, as if we rejoiced not, and must not expect to live many years, and rejoice in them all; but if we do rejoice in God, we may do that evermore. (Read Acts 20:1-6) Tumults or opposition may constrain a Christian to remove from his station or alter his purpose, but his work and his pleasure will be the same, wherever he goes. (1-4) Against hypocrisy in prayer. He took upon himself the likeness of sinful flesh; and thus, for our sakes, he sanctified himself Read Matthew commentary using Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Concise). He that by faith chooses God for his protector, shall find all in him that he needs or can desire. Woe be to those who are set to feed God's people, but take no concern to do them good! Here is a word of comfort to the neglected sheep. It is very desirable when there is a marriage, to have Christ own and bless it. (Read Genesis 6:12-21) God told Noah his purpose to destroy the wicked world by water. Those who know most in this imperfect state, feel their own weakness most. Yet it is, without doubt, for awakening all that enjoy the means of grace, and the Commentary on Revelation 11:3-13. And it is too common, for those who declare the Lord's statutes to others, to live in disobedience to them themselves. I. Commentary on Philippians 4:1. … Verses 1-13 1-13 The longest life must shortly come to a close. Though only a remnant of God's flock is left, he will find them out, and they shall be brought to their former habitations. (Read Ecclesiastes 2:18-26) Our hearts are very loth to quit their expectations of great things from the creature; but Solomon came to this at length. Commentary on Psalm 119:9-16. The building places for religious worship is a good work, and an Commentary on Acts 20:1-6. (19-29) Commentary on Psalm 118:1-18 (Read Psalm 118:1-18). The Messiah is here called the Son of man; he Commentary on Ezekiel 36:16-24. It is comely; it becomes us as reasonable creatures, much more as people in covenant with God. Wordly things, are the only things that carnal, wicked people set their hearts upon, and are most clever and industrious about. When the gospel should be publicly preached, the Gentiles would seek Christ Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, and find rest of soul. He is the workmanship of God, created in Christ Jesus unto good works. Exodus 4. Commentary on Hebrews 4:1-10. The Son, in asking the heathen for his inheritance Commentary on Acts 28:1-10. Commentary on Isaiah 57:1-2. John 1. God chose to do it by a flood of waters, which Commentary on Titus 2:11-15. Infants desire milk, and make the best endeavours for it which they are able to do; such must be a Christian's desires after the word of God. One very principal article of our faith refers to what only has a promise to Commentary on Exodus 4:24-31. He tells the scribe that the great commandment, which indeed includes all, is, that of loving God with all our hearts. Worldly honour is a glittering thing, with which the eyes of Christ's own disciples have many times been dazzled. The Lord turned and looked upon Peter. He had higher testimony than that of John; his works bore witness to all he had said. The prophets checked them in their sinful pursuits, so that they could not proceed without fear; this they took amiss. He went not to Herod's court, not to Jerusalem, among the chief priests and the elders, but to the sea of Commentary on Isaiah 58:1-2. They must not lie by us neglected, seldom or never looked into. The Holy Spirit had hypocrites of every age in view. Psalm 7. And those who have much of the Spirit of God … Commentary on Luke 11:5-13. I use the ESV Study Bible, my computer, and this … The Concise Commentary is an exciting new way to study the Bible that will be cherished by all. The world is a vale of tears, even to those that have much of it. org to help as you prepare sermons, Bible studies, Sunday School lessons or personal devotions. The intent of the gospel is to raise up hope as well as faith; to take off the mind and heart from the world, and to raise them to heaven and the things above. (Read Isaiah 6:9-13) God sends Isaiah to foretell the ruin of his people. God had honoured him more than any of the apostles, yet they did not envy him; but on the contrary, glorified the Lord. He alone is "the Righteous One," who received his Commentary on Jeremiah 23:1-8. Commentary on Galatians 3:15-18. Commentary on 1 Peter 1:17-25. Commentary on Romans 11:33-36. (Read 1 Peter 2:1-10) Evil-speaking is a sign of malice and guile in the heart; and hinders our profiting by the word of God. Commentary on Isaiah 30:8-18. Christ was buried also in a garden. It is good to be away from the world, and alone with Christ: and how good to be with Christ glorified in heaven with all the saints! But when it is well with us, we are Commentary on John 6:15-21. It teaches to make conscience of that which is good. The not bridling the tongue, readiness to speak of the faults of others, or to lessen their wisdom and piety, are signs of a vain religion. As this First and Last, who was dead and is alive, is the believer's Brother and Friend, he must be rich in the deepest poverty, honourable amidst Commentary on Romans 3:19-20. When he went, many went with him; he obtained favour from his king, by the Divine favour. (Read Hebrews 9:11-14) All good things past, present, and to come, were and are founded upon the priestly office of Christ, and come to us from thence. Commentary on Acts 21:19-26. Those who would learn the things of God, and be assured of them, must know the Holy Scriptures, for they are the Divine revelation. Solomon was both the king and the king's son, and his pious father desired that the wisdom of God might be in him, that his reign might be a remembrance of the kingdom of the Messiah. We must come for what we need, as a man does to his neighbour or friend, who is kind to him. (Read Hosea 2:6-13) God threatens what he would do with this treacherous, idolatrous people. Our Lord told the disciples the work they were to do. (Read 2 Timothy 4:9-13) The love of this world, is often the cause of turning back from the truths and ways of Jesus Christ. It is a sign that we repent of the evil thoughts of the heart, if we suppress them. Introduction. This our Lord Jesus often referred to, as what he governed himself by. (Read Romans 3:19-20) It is in vain to seek for justification by the works of the law. Genesis. All gospel truth is according to godliness, teaching the fear of God. When we not only believe with the heart, but are ready, when called, to make confession with the mouth. But there is a day coming when he will not be found. Considering the time; a busy time; a perilous time. Christ's preaching much affected the people; and a working power went with it to the consciences of men. Choose from the available chapter in the 'Matthew' of the 'Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible' commentary FREELY provided by StudyLight. Our High Priest entered into heaven once for all, and has obtained eternal redemption. Here were Christ's disciples in the way of duty, and Christ was praying for them; yet they were in distress. Here is a gracious offer of pardon, and peace, and of all happiness. By daily looking to Him, who came a Light into the world, we Commentary on James 2:14-26. (Read Acts 5:34-42) The Lord still has all hearts in his hands, and sometimes directs the prudence of the worldly wise, so as to restrain the persecutors. Isaiah 36 is very similar to 2 Kings 18:17-37. God hath said unto him, Thou art my Son, and it becomes each of us to say to him, Thou art my Lord, my Sovereign'. Grace in the soul is its new nature; the soul is alive to God, and has begun its holy happiness which shall endure for ever. Blessed be God that there is a world where sin, death, vanity, and vexation cannot enter. Mere good words and good meanings are not enough without good works. He gathers outcast sinners by his grace, and will bring them into his holy habitation. << Isaiah 35 | Isaiah 36 | Isaiah 37 >>. (Read 1 Peter 1:17-25) Holy confidence in God as a Father, and awful fear of him as a Judge, agree together; and to regard God always as a Judge, makes him dear to us as a Father. Let young persons set out in life with learning the fear of the Lord, if they desire true comfort here, and eternal happiness hereafter. Our approaching end, is a powerful argument to make us sober in all worldly matters, and earnest in religion. Where Christ gives a new life, in recovery from sickness, it should be a new life, spent more than ever in his service Commentary on Psalm 116:1-9. The great Author of redemption shows the authority for his work. Paul ascribed all his success to God, and to God they gave the praise. Exodus 2. Matthew Henry’s Bible Commentary (concise) Romans. This work is a one-volume abridgement of Henry's greatest work, so the text Commentary on Romans 8:10-17. John 6. (Read Psalm 50:16-23) Hypocrisy is wickedness, which God will judge. They prayed that God would spare them, and he answered them. (Read Exodus 14:15-20) Moses' silent prayers of faith prevailed more with God than Israel's loud outcries of fear. The priests and rulers are to appoint a solemn fast. His sharp arrows wound the conscience; but all these wounds will be healed, when the sinner prays to him for mercy. … About Matthew Henry’s Bible Commentary (concise). God sometimes, in righteous judgment, gives men up to blindness of mind, because they will not receive the truth in the love of it. Psalm 3. Commentary on 2 Timothy 3:14-17. The Lord threatened him with death or sent sickness upon him, as the punishment of his having neglected to circumcise his son. From what we see of heaven and earth, we learn the power of the great Creator. The wrath is Commentary on Romans 1:8-15. The angel's address means only, Hail, thou that art the especially chosen and favoured of the Most High, to attain the honour Jewish mothers Commentary on Ruth 2:17-23. Commentary on 1 Peter 2:1-10. Commentary on Luke 13:6-9. Many New Testament predictions of the judgment to come, have plain allusion to this vision; especially Revelation 20:11,12. When God discovers to us what is amiss in our lives, we must give all diligence to amend it speedily. (Read Luke 22:54-62) Peter's fall was his denying that he knew Christ, and was his disciple; disowning him because of distress and danger. To stand fast in the Lord, is to stand fast in his strength, and by his grace. Commentary on James 4:1-10. The stronger our faith, and the warmer our love, the more will our comfort be. When God's time is come for fulfilling his gracious purposes concerning his church, he will raise up instruments to do it, from whom such good service was not expected. Commentary on Psalm 2:7-9. We must look to God in Christ, as the object of our Romans. Spiritual privileges do not make void or weaken, but confirm civil duties. (Read Luke 9:18-27) It is an unspeakable comfort that our Lord Jesus is God's Anointed; this signifies that he was both appointed to be the Messiah, and qualified for it. We should readily impart to others what God has Commentary on Ephesians 5:22-33. Beholding in Jesus the glory of the Father, we learn to obey, love, and trust in him. God's gathering his people takes rise from his mercy, not any merit of theirs; and it is with great mercies, with everlasting kindness. No longer flatter or deceive others. To determine which volume you used, refer to the following list: To determine which volume you used, refer to the following list: Commentary on Mark 6:7-13. He that has once told a lie, is strongly tempted to persist: the beginning of that sin, like strife, is as the letting forth of water. However others are overwhelmed with the sorrows of this present time, be not you so. It is the glory of a minister to deny himself, that he may serve Christ and save souls. A truly religious life is a life of constant joy. Four things are here taught, as a Christian's directory for his day's work. These miracles showed Christ to be a controller and conqueror of Satan, a healer of diseases. Commentary on John 13:1-17. V OL. There was want at a marriage feast. (Read John 18:1-12) Sin began in the garden of Eden, there the curse was pronounced, there the Redeemer was promised; and in a garden that promised Seed entered into conflict with the old serpent. Sinful desires and affections stop prayer, and the working of our desires Commentary on John 7:37-39. (Read Matthew 27:51-56) The rending of the veil signified that Christ, by his death, opened a way to God. Spurgeon used Henry's commentary and commended … 4. Commentary on Ephesians 4:25-28. Let young people consider the piety of Samuel Commentary on Luke 9:18-27. (1-8) The overthrow of the Assyrians. The proud, contentious spirit that prevailed, as to spiritual gifts, was thus condemned. But we must take heed that we mistake not this liberty for leave to commit sin. Commentary on Isaiah 6:9-13. He is the Last, for he will be the Judge of all. (2-4) A centurion's servant healed. The restoration of that people, being typical of our redemption by Christ, shows that the end aimed at in our salvation is the glory of God. (Read Galatians 3:15-18) The covenant God made with Abraham, was not done away by the giving the law to Moses. Surely this must look further than the present world; for man's life on earth Complete Concise Chapter Contents. But no humble inquirer after Christ, need Commentary on Mark 14:12-21. We have now before us, I. The feeble and faint-hearted are encouraged. The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him, Psalm 25:14. The time would be long before all would be accomplished; and much of it is not yet fulfilled. On him we depend, to him we should be thankful. Commentary on Colossians 2:1-7. But our Lord knows all things about us before they come to pass. Commentary on Mark 10:32-45. When we were wholly without strength Commentary on John 12:44-50. It signifies 1260 prophetic days or years, beginning from the time when the power of the holy people should be scattered. It is the prayer of a father for his child; a dying blessing. (1) He heals a leper. Take heed of defrauding and oppressing; and avoid the very appearance of This song of praise should be considered as a prophecy, and even used as a prayer, for the coming of that time when all people shall know that the Lord he is God, and shall become his worshippers, and the sheep of his pasture. These bring their minds to their condition, when it is a low condition. Yet this race and family of Abraham shall not be rooted out; it shall survive as a nation, and be found as prophesied, when the Son of man shall be revealed. Nor ought we to be less thankful for the security we enjoy from the savage and hurtful beasts, through the Commentary on John 3:22-36. Christ will have us to know and remember that it is his day, therefore to be spent in his Commentary on Acts 20:1-6. Commentary on Acts 5:34-42. To him God gave all power in heaven and earth, with authority to execute judgment. All idolized treasures will soon perish, except as they will rise up in judgment against their possessors. Discontent and distrust proceed from unbelief; an unsteady walk is the consequence: let us then simply trust our Shepherd's care, and hearken to his voice. This is the sum and substance of the gospel. John 5. Paul thought it worth while to bestow five days in going to Troas, though it was but for seven days' stay there; but he knew, and so Commentary on Isaiah 49:1-6. Commentary on Mark 8:1-10. The prophet challenges the enemies of the Jews. Blessings are promised to the family and posterity of David. The manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. Upon coming together, they fell into divisions, schisms. The spiritual life is protected by Divine grace from the temptations of Satan, which are as the snares of Commentary on Matthew 25:14-30. Early piety will be the greatest honour of young people. It is good for every one with faith, to behold Christ Jesus in his sufferings. They could not do more to encourage Paul to go on cheerfully in his work. This thirst means strong desires after spiritual Commentary on Joel 2:15-27. The approaching happy state of the church is described under a variety of images. God can soon turn gloomy days into glorious ones. Genesis 1. The original word "conversation" denotes the conduct of citizens who seek the credit, safety, peace, and prosperity of their city. The apostles did not neglect human means, in seeking the necessaries of life, or Commentary on Psalm 147:1-11. (Read 1 Peter 3:8-13) Though Christians cannot always be exactly of the same mind, yet they should have compassion one of another, and love as brethren. Genesis 7. The faith of humble Christians understands this better than the fancy of the most learned men. Be not impatient; use no unreasonable severities. This he did with his usual authority and affection Commentary on Matthew 4:18-22. It is supposed that Christ alluded to this. We are sure of what the king doubted, that the servants of the living God have a Master well able to protect them. The duty of parents. The decree for completing the temple. Preface Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy V OL. There have been in all ages many unprofitable hearers; and unbelief is at the root of all unfruitfulness under the word. James and the elders of the church at Jerusalem Commentary on 1 Corinthians 1:17-25. God will graciously repeat his visits to those who receive them aright. Commentary on Ezekiel 37:1-14. Psalm 6. Complete Concise Chapter Contents. Fools are persons who have no true wisdom, who follow their own devices, without regard to reason, or reverence for God. (Read 2 Corinthians 12:7-10) The apostle gives an account of the method God took to keep him humble, and to prevent his being lifted up above measure, on account of the visions and revelations he had. Commentary on 1 Peter 3:8-13. The Gentiles, being brought into the church, are companions in patience and tribulation. The provision of the gospel, for the forgiveness Galatians 5 Bible Commentary. If any man desires to live comfortably on earth, or to possess eternal life in heaven, he must bridle his tongue from wicked, abusive, or deceitful words. (Read 1 Samuel 25:2-11) We should not have heard of Nabal, if nothing had passed between him and David. Being justified by faith he has peace with God. Commentary on Luke 4:31-44. (Read Matthew 9:1-8) The faith of the friends of the paralytic in bringing him to Christ, was a strong faith; they firmly believed that Jesus Christ both could and would heal him. Praising God is work that is its own wages. (5-13) Cure of Peter's wife's mother. John 4. (Read Psalm 116:1-9) We have many reasons for loving the Lord, but are most affected by his loving-kindness when relieved out of deep distress. (Read Numbers 11:16-23) Moses is to choose such as he knew to be elders, that is, wise and experienced men. When God's time is come for the deliverance of his people, mountains of opposition shall become plains before him. When we duly consider Christ's death, our hard and rocky hearts should be rent; the heart Commentary on Genesis 4:19-24. (9-15) Commentary on Nahum 1:1-8 (Read Nahum 1:1-8). They see their want, bewail their … Originally written in 1706, Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary provides a condensed look at nearly every verse in the Bible. The king of Moab formed a plan to get the people of Israel cursed; that is, to set God against them, who had hitherto fought for them. Psalm 5. The Spirit of God is the Spirit of love. A strong faith regards no obstacles in pressing after Christ. Study the bible online using commentary on Matthew and more! Originally written in 1706, Matthew Henry's six volume Complete Commentary provides an exhaustive look at every verse in the Bible. Chapter Contents. Commentary on Ephesians 1:9-14. Commentary on Genesis 9:1-3. But when a minister gives up his right for the sake of the gospel, he does more than his charge and office demands. This parable of the barren fig-tree is intended to enforce the warning given just before: the barren tree, except it brings forth fruit, will be cut down. Commentary on Luke 1:26-38. (Read Ephesians 1:9-14) Blessings were made known to believers, by the Lord's showing to them the mystery of his sovereign will, and the method of redemption and salvation. Commentary on Mark 9:1-13. Commentary on Matthew 27:51-56. His account of the miraculous pouring forth of the Spirit, was designed to awaken the hearers to embrace the faith of Christ, and to join Commentary on Psalm 107:17-22. Commentary on Luke 22:54-62. The codensed one-volume classic commentary. A message from the Lord Jesus, the Word of life, the eternal Word, we should all gladly receive. (16-18) Evil of being worldly-minded. Though the apostles were conscious to themselves of great weakness, and expected no wordly advantage, yet, in obedience to their Master, and in dependence upon his strength, they went out. Commentary on 2 Samuel 7:4-17. About Matthew Henry Bible Commentary (complete). Commentary on Daniel 10:1-9. (Read Psalm 119:9-16) To original corruption all have added actual sin. Knowledge and faith make a soul rich. All aim to be happy. Every creature is that to us, which God makes it Commentary on 1 Samuel 25:2-11. They hurt their bodily health by intemperance, and endanger their lives by indulging their appetites. Originally written in 1706, Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary provides a condensed look at nearly every verse in the Bible. Genesis 6. Paul thought it worth while to bestow five days in going to Troas, though it was but for seven days' stay there; but he knew, and so Commentary on Acts 12:20-25 (Read Acts 12:20-25 ) Many heathen princes claimed and received Divine honours, but it was far more horrible impiety in Herod, who knew the word and worship of the living God, to accept such idolatrous honours without … Commentary on Luke 3:21-22. These promises relate to Solomon, David's immediate successor, and the royal line of Judah. The people thought that Paul was a … Commentary on Genesis 6:12-21. The great God should be represented to this dark world, as pure and perfect light. This their way is their folly. When Christ began to preach, he began to gather disciples, who should be hearers, and afterwards preachers of his doctrine, who should be witnesses of his miracles, and afterwards testify concerning them. The joy of the hypocrite is but for a moment, but Commentary on Romans 13:11-14. John 3. The blood of Christ is called the blood of sprinkling, Galatians 5:1. He also knew that Jesus would increase in honour and influence, for of his government and peace there would be no end, while he himself would be less followed. It is the Spirit of adoption spoken to the heart. Commentary on Acts 2:14-21. Blessed be his name, that … Matthew Henry Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible Hardcover – January 1, 1981 by Matthew Henry (Author), Thomas Scott … Read Matthew commentary using Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Concise). God alone could cause them to live. Commentary on James 1:26-27. The purified minds of Christians are to be stirred up, that they may be active and lively in the work of holiness. (Read Genesis 11:10-26) Here is a genealogy, or list of names, ending in Abram, the friend of God, and thus leading towards Christ, the promised Seed, who was the son of Abram. Commentary on Hosea 2:6-13. In these paths we cannot walk, unless. Our Lord Jesus is the First, for by him were all things made; he was before all things, with God, and is God himself. (1-12) To take heed of indulging a sinful temper. Commentary on John 14:1-11. 8 • 463 Ratings Free Screenshots iPad iPhone Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible Commentaries on the Whole Bible Written … Chapter Contents Multitudes follow Christ. How much hidden worth is there, which in this world is not known! But sooner or later it shall be known, as Christ was. (Read Ephesians 5:22-33) The duty of wives is, submission to their husbands in the Lord, which includes honouring and obeying them, from a principle of love to them. The Divine power, made known in and through our Lord Jesus Christ, forms a strong tower for the believer, who relies on the Lord. The church is also compared to a building, founded on the doctrine of Christ; delivered by the prophets of the Old Commentary on 1 John 2:1-2. (Read James 2:14-26) Those are wrong who put a mere notional belief of the gospel for the whole of evangelical religion, as many now do. There will be scoffers in the last days, under the gospel, men who make light of sin, and mock at salvation by Jesus Christ. This chapter relates the beginning of Daniel's last vision, which is continued to the end of the book. They did not amuse people with curious matters, but told them they must repent of their sins, and turn to God. (18 … By submitting your email address, you understand that you will receive email communications from Bible Gateway, a division of The Zondervan Corporation, 3900 … Against hypocrisy in almsgiving. Every part of the truth and will of God should be set before all who profess the gospel, and be urged on their hearts and consciences. The account the psalmist here gives of his troubles is very applicable to Christ: many hated him without a cause; nay, the Lord himself chastened him sorely, bruised him, and put him to … Commentary on Psalm 90:7-11. The Son of man goes, as it is written of him, as a lamb to the slaughter; but woe to that man by whom Commentary on Genesis 15:7-11. (Read Ephesians 4:25-28) Notice the particulars wherewith we should adorn our Christian profession. (Read Mark 9:1-13) Here is a prediction of the near approach Christ's kingdom. Commentary on John 2:1-11. They should praise God. Then, let Christians not doubt God's faithfulness to his promises, nor give Commentary on Isaiah 2:10-22. Originally written in 1706, Matthew Henry's six volume Complete Commentary provides an exhaustive look at every verse in the Bible. But, when it is (as here) spoken of as Christ’s act and deed, it is most properly rendered a testament, for he is the testator The way of duty is the truly pleasant way. Shame came into the world with sin, and is still the certain effect of it. Prayer is the appointed means for obtaining what we need. It is good to trust in the Lord. (1-18) The coming of Christ in his kingdom. Commentary on 2 Corinthians 5:16-21. Old Testament Genesis Exodus Leviticus … Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible is developed from the author's rare ability to express profound spiritual insights with simplicity and eloquence. Note: Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible comprises 6 volumes. It is also compared to a house, and every converted sinner is one of the family; a servant, and a child in God's house. They prophesy in sackcloth. And we should rejoice more, if we prayed more. Ezra went from Babylon to Jerusalem, for the good of his country. Paul was guided by Divine inspiration, yet he would have his books. (Read John 11:17-32) Here was a house where the fear of God was, and on which his blessing rested; yet it was made a house of mourning. Commentary on Titus 3:1-7. They did not turn, therefore all this came upon them; and it is written for admonition to us. To doubt of our own wisdom and strength, and to depend upon God, proves the purpose of holiness is sincere. (Read Genesis 15:7-11) Assurance was given to Abram of the land of Canaan for an inheritance. Christ is spoken of as a branch from David's family. 2. (9-15) Respecting fasting. Commentary on Philippians 1:27-30. The apostle then states what is their duty to living ministers; to obey and submit to them, so far Commentary on 1 Corinthians 9:15-23. (13-15) And to walk in the Spirit, and not to fulfil the lusts of the flesh: the works of both are described. We should love the Lord Jesus, value his love, and therefore love all our brethren in Christ. (Read Hebrews 12:12-17) A burden of affliction is apt to make the Christian's hands hang down, and his knees grow feeble, to dispirit him and discourage him; but against this he must strive, that he may better run his spiritual race and course. Those whom Christ loves, he loves to the end. Self-love and timid Christians may say, Spare thyself; dislike to the cross and other motives will say, "Spare the rich and powerful;" but God says, "Spare not:" and we must obey God, not men. All the saints make up one body in Christ, who is the Head of the body, and the common Centre of their unity. He had no honour or honesty; he was churlish Commentary on Psalm 84:1-7. Commentary on John 5:30-38. Christ's works of power and mercy proclaim him to be over all, God blessed for evermore, that all may know and believe He is in the Father, and the Father in Him. To those whom God heals with the consolations of his Spirit, he speaks peace, assures them Commentary on Mark 1:9-13. Genesis 3. (Read Genesis 4:19-24) One of Cain's wicked race is the first recorded, as having broken the law of marriage. (Read Isaiah 2:10-22) The taking of Jerusalem by the Chaldeans seems first meant here, when idolatry among the Jews was done away; but our thoughts are led forward to the destruction of all the enemies of Christ. No doubt, true faith alone, whereby men have part in Christ's righteousness, atonement, and grace, saves their souls; but it produces holy fruits, and is shown to be real by its Commentary on Matthew 3:13-17. Commentary on Psalm 50:16-23. The soul prospers when we have clear knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus. Hitherto, one man had but one wife at a time; but Lamech took two. The age of children is the age to learn; and those who would get true learning, must get it out of the Scriptures. Commentary on 1 Corinthians 12:27-31. For over 250 years this commentary has been one of the most widely used of all Bible commentaries. There may come such a time in this life; it is certain that at death and judgment the door Commentary on Deuteronomy 28:15-44. We have an open way through Christ to the throne of grace, or mercy-seat now, and to the throne of glory hereafter. Commentary on Romans 5:1-5. Let your heart be kept with full trust in God. The sin of a people defiles their land; renders it abominable to God, and uncomfortable to themselves. Commentary on Matthew 7:7-11. Commentary on Ephesians 6:1-4. The extent and power of this curse. (Read Luke 23:26-31) We have here the blessed Jesus, the Lamb of God, led as a lamb to the slaughter, to the sacrifice. (Read Mark 8:1-10) Our Lord Jesus encouraged the meanest to come to him for life and grace. (Read 1 Samuel 3:19-21) All increase in wisdom and grace, is owing to the presence of God with us. Commentary on 1 Peter 4:7-11. And those who have found the comfort of making the Lord their refuge, cannot but desire that others may do so. (Read James 4:1-10) Since all wars and fightings come from the corruptions of our own hearts, it is right to mortify those lusts that war in the members. To tell a Jew that God had directed those animals to be reckoned clean which were hitherto deemed unclean, was in effect saying, that the law of Moses was done away. Sinners are but ploughing iniquity, sowing vanity, and reaping the same. Henry astutely presents the historical and cultural background for each book of the Bible, always beginning with a brief summary of the book's setting and larger purpose. The righteousness of Christ imputed, secures the soul, the better part, from death. (Read John 5:30-38) Our Lord returns to his declaration of the entire agreement between the Father and the Son, and declared himself the Son of God. The love of Christ to the church is an example, which is sincere, pure, and constant, notwithstanding Commentary on Ecclesiastes 2:18-26. Few lament it as a public loss, and very few notice it as a public warning. (16-26) Christ will not be the Saviour of any who will not own and rely upon him as their Commentary on Isaiah 8:9-16. If we admit him, he will dwell in our hearts. There is difference of gifts and graces, yet, being renewed by the same Spirit, we are brethren. (Read Romans 15:8-13) Christ fulfilled the prophecies and promises relating to the Jews, and the Gentile converts could have no excuse for despising them. The law of God is love; and all would have been perfectly happy, had all obeyed it. God is ready to succour his people; and he waits to be gracious. About a hundred years before, at Jonah's preaching, the Ninevites repented, and were spared, yet, soon after, they became worse than ever. Commentary on 1 Corinthians 11:17-22. Paul had been bred up in Jewish learning; but the plain preaching of a crucified Jesus, was more powerful than all the oratory and philosophy of the heathen world. If believers do evil, God will visit them with corrections. (Read John 19:1-18) Little did Pilate think with what holy regard these sufferings of Christ would, in after-ages, be thought upon and spoken of by the best and greatest of men. The justice and power of the Lord. (Read 1 Corinthians 11:17-22) The apostle rebukes the disorders in their partaking of the Lord's supper. They had the light, but they loved darkness rather. They give life, and preserve life, to those who drink of them, and thus they will flow for evermore. The work of righteousness in peace. Those that would have Christ with them at their marriage, must invite him by prayer, and he will come. The bounty of Christ is always ready; to show that, he repeated this miracle. For it is God's nature to be kind, and to give happiness. The former confusions, sins and miseries of the human race, shall be no more remembered or renewed. When have an Advocate with the Father; one who has undertaken, and is fully able, to plead in behalf of every one who applies for pardon and salvation in his name, depending on his pleading for them. But the death of Christ was his victory and triumph over his enemies: it was our deliverance, the purchase of eternal life for us. It is with all believers, enabling them to understand and apply the declarations and warnings of the written word. (Read Exodus 4:24-31) God met Moses in anger. Those who sincerely desire to be taught their duty, Christ will guide in judgment, and teach his way. Those who are despised for homely manners, are often more friendly than the more polished; and the conduct of heathens, or persons called barbarians, condemns many in civilized nations, professing to be Christians. Christ must be born miraculously. (Read Hebrews 13:16-21) We must, according to our power, give to the necessities of the souls and bodies of men: God will accept these offerings with pleasure, and will accept and bless the offerers through Christ. Observe the justice of this curse. The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; so this second part of the holy Bible is entitled: The new covenant; so it might as well be rendered; the word signifies both. (Read Revelation 1:9-11) It was the apostle's comfort that he did not suffer as an evil-doer, but for the testimony of Jesus, for bearing witness to Christ as the Immanuel, the Saviour; and the Spirit of glory and of God rested upon this persecuted apostle. Commentary on Isaiah 65:17-25. See the power of God over the fiercest creatures, and believe his power to restrain the roaring lion that goeth Commentary on Revelation 2:8-11. Commentary on John 19:1-18. Spurgeon used Henry's commentary and commended … There is also a smaller devotional commentary on the Bible from Henry known as Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary. The disciples of Christ must be praying people; all, without distinction of nation, sect, rank, or party. Servants should study to endear themselves to their masters. If we do not keep God's commandments, we not only come short of the blessing promised, but we lay ourselves under the curse, which includes all misery, as the blessing all happiness. It concerns us, in time of trouble, to watch against all such fears as put us upon crooked courses for our own security. Christ justifies his disciples in a work of necessity for themselves on the sabbath day, and that was plucking the ears of corn when they were hungry. But the Divine word had no abiding-place in their hearts, as they refused to Commentary on Psalm 91:1-8. (Read Daniel 6:18-24) The best way to have a good night, is to keep a good conscience. Even the discontented people shall be gratified too, that every mouth may be stopped. John 7. Great encouragement is given us, in worshipping God, to do it cheerfully. Sinners are fools. God promises to qualify them. The psalmist having shown the progress of his temptation, shows how faith and grace prevailed. Many hear the sound of God's word, but do not feel the power of it. The believer is created anew; his heart is not merely set right, but a new heart is given him. Public troubles are most grievous to those who live in pleasure, and are secure and sensual, though all ranks suffer deeply at such times. These teachers are of a disturbed mind and a seditious spirit; forgetting that the powers that be, are ordained of God, Romans 13:1. (Read Isaiah 30:8-18) The Jews were the only professing people God then had in the world, yet many among them were rebellious. Genesis 5. Our duty as Christians, is summed up in two words; godliness, that is, the right worshipping of God; and honesty, that is, good conduct toward all men. Our Lord Jesus has a people in the world that are his own; he has purchased them, and paid dear for them, and he has set them apart for himself; they devote themselves to him as a peculiar people. And the speedy approach of death and judgment concerns all, to which these words naturally lead our minds. … Here are particularly selected such parts of our Saviour's history and discourses as were best suited to awaken the Jewish nation to a sense of their sins; to remove their … Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary is opened every time I study. We all need earnestly to pray for God's assistance in examining ourselves. Commentary on 1 John 1:5-10. Commentary on John 15:9-17. Skin and flesh covered them, and the wind was then told to blow upon these bodies; and they were restored to life. But they are corrupt and wilful, therefore with the instruction there is need of a law. Our journeys are made prosperous or otherwise, according to the will of God. Grace will keep sorrow from the heart, but not from the house. His writings have been read and enjoyed for both their scholarship and devotion. Take heed of every thing contrary to truth. Those become vain in their imaginations concerning God, who will not learn of Christ. And how sweet the returns of mercy would be, when God should come and comfort them! He will have mercy on them. Seek, as for a thing of value that we have lost; or as the merchantman that seeks goodly pearls. And those need not fear want, who have Christ to Commentary on Ephesians 2:19-22. Henry's well-known Exposition of the Old and New Testaments (1708–1710) is a commentary of a practical and … Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible by Matthew Henry. This is the design of the gospel. The destruction of the Jewish church and nation, foretold by our Saviour, was very near. If God does not answer our prayers speedily, yet he will in due time, if we continue to pray. Paul preached the whole counsel of God. (Read Acts 13:38-41) Let all that hear the gospel of Christ, know these two things: 1. Genesis 4. This parable in the first place refers to the nation and people of the Jews. Jesus discourses concerning his own sufferings and death. (Read Genesis 1:1-2) The first verse of the Bible gives us a satisfying and useful account of the origin of the earth and the heavens. Peter's sermon shows that he was thoroughly recovered from his fall, and thoroughly restored to the Divine favour; for he who had denied Christ, now boldly confessed him. Let us, when we walk in our gardens, take occasion from thence to mediate on Christ's Commentary on Ezra 7:1-10. The duty of husbands is to love their wives. God can make strangers to be friends; friends in distress. (Read Romans 12:3-8) Pride is a sin in us by nature; we need to be cautioned and armed against it. (Read John 12:44-50) Our Lord publicly proclaimed, that every one who believed on him, as his true disciple, did not believe on him only, but on the Father who sent him. Exodus 1. That obedience includes inward reverence, as well as outward acts, and in every age prosperity has attended those distinguished for obedience to parents. Children are reasonable creatures, and when we tell them what they must do, we must tell them why. Those who know not his glory and grace, know not the Father that sent him. Commentary on 2 Peter 3:1-4. God's holy name is his great name; his holiness is his greatness, nor Commentary on Acts 9:32-35. The word your. Let us not forget the advantage and pleasure we have from the labour of beasts, and which their flesh affords. (Read Matthew 3:13-17) Christ's gracious condescensions are so surprising, that even the strongest believers at first can hardly believe them; so deep and mysterious, that even those who know his mind well, are apt to start objections against the will of Christ. The Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible brings exceptional depth to familiar Biblical passages. Commentary on Hebrews 12:12-17. (Read Romans 8:10-17) If the Spirit be in us, Christ is in us. As God is slow to anger, so he is swift to show mercy. Observe his name, Nabal, "A fool;" so it signifies. The renewed man acts upon new principles, by new rules, with new ends, and in new company. Christ tells his disciples to observe the signs of the times, which they might judge by. (Read Romans 6:21-23) The pleasure and profit of sin do not deserve to be called fruit. This document has been generated from XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) source with RenderX … Matthew Henry’s Bible Commentary (concise) << Matthew | Matthew 1 | Matthew 2 >> (Read all of Matthew 1) Complete Concise Chapter Contents The genealogy of Jesus. Commentary on Luke 23:26-31. It was a humble faith; they brought him to attend on Christ. His promises are real answers to the prayers of faith; with him saying and doing are not Complete Concise Chapter Contents. Christ crucified is the foundation of all our hopes, the fountain of all our joys. The righteous are delivered from the sting of death, not from the stroke of it. The holy, righteous God, cannot be at peace with a sinner, while under the guilt of sin. The careless world disregards this. If they were not found fit for the employ, they should be made fit. But they also relate to Christ, who is often called David and the Son of David. Christ appeared to Daniel in a glorious form, and it should engage us to think highly and honourably of him.