Military slang for enemy. What is TS meaning in Enemy? 1 meaning

Military slang for enemy. What is TS meaning in Enemy? 1 meaning of Military, … Ball droid: Slang term for a BB-series astromech droid. Barbecue from a "Zippo Monitor" in Vietnam. GI glasses. ("Nuke is tally two bandits, four o'clock low. Glossary of German military terms. As in you take contact, left right front or rear, and lay a base of fire in order to maneuver on them. "Balls to the walls" (also, "Going balls out") Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Rob Shenk. g. Slang for the Adjutant Generals Corps. FM -- ****ing Magic. Chit. We’ve all heard the term “military brat” before. The trapped soldiers may respond by counterattacking. A. 1859), the fifth Commandant of the Marine Corps, who served for 54 years (38 years as Commandant). Photo: US Navy. Joe. Gung ho. Glasshouse (British Army) Goat locker. Vigilantism could be applied to this sort of action, too. It may occur at any point after the beginning of the mission and prior to its completion. Despite the current ubiquity of night-vision and thermal imagers, the Army has failed to adequately codify its night-fighting doctrine and remains overly reliant on technological advantage, which it wielded for nearly two decades of counterinsurgency … Air Force. Such troops use the general slang but employ, in addition, a vocabulary unique to their situation. 6. ACE, spelt ASM, Warrant officer Class 2 of a RAEME unit, Artificer Sergeant Major. Meaning: Refers to Archibald Henderson (d. Bandit: A bomber crew term for an enemy ship. I play with a few US military veterans/active duty and they told me that they learned all of this in bootcamp and AIT. To take charge of this post and all government property in view. B. 1) A person in, or associated with the military living in safe and sometimes luxurious conditions. Military Radio Communication Protocols. battlefield Airmen : Air Force Special Operations Command [AFSOC] pararescue, combat Here is a long list of military acronyms, abbreviations and associated terms including slang, informal and Department of Defense (DOD) approved terminology. Meals Rejected by Ethiopians. ’. Marines on a recon mission during a field training exercise in 2003. One such term was to bug out, or simply to bug, meaning to run away and hence play the coward. Or someone just new in the unit. Slang can cover everyday actions, places, and experiences. USMC: Head, Army: latrine. Based on a funny, crazy, or otherwise *EPIC* event. As you would expect, targeting is “to shoot” a target, but to neutralize or assassinate you as well as “to shoot” a target if you want an aircraft to go down. Military Terminology. If the enemy bites, you’ve got a double agent on the inside, someone to gather secrets or spread disinformation. Superbase: The only bases that fall into this category right now are Kandahar Airfield and … Gentleman ranker. Voting Machine – The nickname given to ARVN tanks because they only come out during a coup d’etat. The following article provides a glossary of common military terms klick - Slang for kilometers, used since military maps had distance marked off with kilometer grid scales. And just like police slang, a lot of the vernacular used by SEALs consists of acronyms. [1] It is known more commonly within United States Army slang as a " fighting position " or as a " ranger grave ". Also means free of any kind of surveillance. for one unit to come to the aid of another under enemy fire recon reconnaissance. Recondo School a training school in-country for LRRPs. World War I Flying. Flight suit insert – Military slang for an Air Force pilot. Iststärke — actual strength (compared to Soll-Stärke) Iwan — German slang for a Soviet soldier (similar to "Jerry" or "Kraut", the British and American slang terms for Germans). A more detailed list of Military ENE abbreviation meaning defined here. Clearing barrel: Dirt-filled area used to clear weapons at entry points of FOB. Fragging is the deliberate or attempted killing of a soldier, usually a superior, by a fellow soldier. " (16 A "tango" is a known enemy threat. Medical; Military; Slang; Business; Technology; Clear; Suggest. Breaking Starch – Reference to dressing with a new set of dry … Ben Brody. TS Enemy Abbreviation. Though more widespread and with a larger membership than Ho Chi Minh's Viet Minh or Lao Dong Party, the Dai Viets were fragmented into regional factions. Communication over two-way radios follows a universal set of rules. Motivators are known to still use the phrases … Definition: extremely large Ginormous, a portmanteau of gigantic and enormous, traces back to World War II and was first recorded in a 1948 British dictionary of military slang (though recent research has found the word used in British newspapers as early as 1942). One morning a few days before Christmas in 1944, Army Pfc. d. Meals Rejected by Ethiopians + 1. CA. No one disputes that the phrase "dead in the water" is used by the military. It lets friendly combatants know that said threat isn't a threat anymore and focus can be The high-speed, heat-seeking missile is mostly used in air-to-air combat by British and Australian Air Forces. House wife Needle and thread – Kit bag. Acronym Meaning; How to Abbreviate; List of Abbreviations; Popular categories. Gen. Acronym for the Marine Corps’ six troop-leading steps. e. Germans and British used the same terms for the German stick-grenade – a potato-masher – both sides had a ‘Black Maria’, and … The Nazis demanded his surrender. Has seen wide pop culture usage in video games and movies, mainly by characters in tactical squads engaging terrorists. Low gear. The etymology of the term is unclear: ‘ace’ meaning an expert was current in the United States from the late 19th century (Green), however, both F&G and B&P both see this term as originating … Toilet paper. Accompanied on base by the famous “Taps” song. I. U. 151: My mother would use leaves from trees to make soap for washing our bodies with, and Modern military slang referring to downing a known hostile operative. Hennessy believes that tradition will carry over to include the slang of the Afghan war. The term "tango down" indicates that a threat has been neutralized. “Ally” apparently comes from “aluminium”. The term ‘ace’ was Royal Flying Corps slang for a pilot who had shot down five or more enemy aircraft. There is a Father on most Mothers. Counter-battery fire. Typically the NATO Phonetic Alphabet is used for this type of designation. Israeli soldiers are ordered to stop a capture by force and to use any means available to this end. When you see an enemy missile or its smoketrail you call out SLAMEYE with your position and the direction to the missile. Answer (1 of 7): The modern use of the word is defined as a false blip on a radar display, or an unknown, possibly hostile aircraft. It's common in military parlance to give a short, unambiguous designation to your enemies. suggest new definition. •MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) – Military A third party both of you trust, but whose presence won’t alert the enemy. Blue Falcons are the snitches of the military world. Military, Army … Troop. FISH -- Fighting In Someone's House. Much of it originated in World War II, because many of the American troops in Korea were World War II veterans. One klick is equal to 0. 21. The objective of the ambush force is to quickly kill or capture all enemy soldiers inside the kill zone. Military acronym originally meaning "Meal, Ready to Eat. Felony Creek – Slang for the French Creek area of Camp Lejeune. Pogey-bait was candy, or a sweet snack of any kind, among American and Canadian troops. To depart controlled flight. Arrow. Birdwatcher – Slang used by British Intelligence for a spy. 100mph Tape: Standard issue Army green duct tape. 10. 0. Mike Boat: landing craft, mechanized (LCM8) used to carry troops. A technical, officially a non-standard tactical vehicle ( NSTV) in United States military parlance, is a light improvised fighting vehicle, typically an open-backed civilian pickup truck or four-wheel drive vehicle, mounting a machine Browse the list of 254 Military Jargon acronyms and abbreviations with their meanings and definitions. Military Communication Procedure. “Bandit” is pure slang, a wor Here are the 9 most common military phrases that differ between the Marine Corps and the Army. Attested in numerous sources. No one is quite sure where the term comes from, but the first part could be pogy, a nickname Since the early foundations of modern military forces, the use of slang has been a key factor amongst soldiers. “Balls to the wall” (also, “Going balls out”) Meaning: To go as fast as one possibly can. To go without an item of luxury or an expression used to motivate someone to keep going during a tough situation. The British Army used to issue enamelled-steel mess kits – except to the airborne troops, for whom weight was crucial, and who got aluminium instead. Shake ‘N Bake: Slang for a Non Commissioned Officer who on graduation from NCO school became a buck sergeant and was immediately sent to Nam; also called an "instant" or a cherry sergeant. If you want, you can imagine Navy pilots dancing around in their quarters in their 16. The phrase “G. "Best man". : AC of S J2 (Intell), AC of S J3 (Operations). Clean – Unknown to enemy intelligence. Dhobi Dust. This page lists slang words or phrases that originate with military forces, … Military slang is a set of colloquial terms which are unique to or which originated with military personnel. 28. In the days of yore, it was quite possible that a betrothed man might lose his wife even before their Wiktionary, the free dictionary These are 19 terms only sailors will understand. 280 ladies -Sailors serving on Iroquois Class Destroyers (280,281,282,283 Hull numbers) (Ladies due to the 280s being the first ships not to have urinals) 5 by 5 —Loud and clear, everything is working 100% … This is a list of initials, acronyms, expressions, euphemisms, jargon, military slang, and sayings in common or formerly common use in the United States Air Force. Keep in mind the lack of sources on this page. This is my daughter’s favorite time of day. AIT or “A School”: Advanced individual training. C & C - command and control This is all to say, just let it happen organically and if you get pinned with a poor nickname, just ride it out. FNG -- ****ing New 104. In the case of a civil war or an insurrection "state" may be replaced by the more general term "party to the conflict" (as … Askew's WW2 Soldier Slang. Ent's definitive publication, Fighting on the Brink: Defense of the Pusan Perimeter. Military Discounts. What is Military Slang? IEDs are roughly-organized, inexpensive bombs that are be easily modified to exploit an enemy’s vulnerabilities. Short Reconnaissance. ECM - Electronic Countermeasures; systems for jamming or misleading enemy weapons, Father - Slang term for shipboard TACAN station. While this doesn’t have to be an intuition of small arms fire, it often is. "; In both the 1988 film Alien Nation and the 1989 Fox series that continued the film's storyline, the humanoid alien race is officially referred to … Abort. Snivel Gear - Issued cold-weather clothing. Most popular Military Jargon abbreviations updated in June 2023 A foxhole is one type of defensive strategic position. Here are some of the less-PC terms used by American troops in Vietnam. Gruntz, a 1999 puzzle/strategy game. Special Warfare Insignia. Пипл (‘peepl,’ meaning ‘people’) Like the other slang words presented here, this was not a political term used by public figures to refer to the Soviet population. What is MRE meaning in Meals Rejected by the Enemy. Thus, the large number of slang terms related to complaining (or “grousing”), incompetence, the structures of military authority, and bad military food. “Vapes”. Later the French singled out those fliers who had downed at least five enemy planes. Generally, this term means enemy infantry, but friendly grunts should probably steer clear of moving tanks too. red alert Contact means you're in contact with the enemy. Coup de main: a swift pre-emptive strike. John Nimmo Sr. Chaf - Metal foil dispensed by warplanes to confuse enemy radar. RQ-1 Predator Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. line companies - Refers to companies up on the front lines, from the old times when there were fixed lines of engagement. 8. Military word used to describe polishing equipment, using a cloth in circular motion. Similarly VBIED - vehicle-borne improvised explosive device and DBIED - donkey Early in the pandemic, the National Guard was mobilized to assist in the fight against the virus by working at testing locations, distributing equipment and assisting local authorities. Expression. The Royal Air Force developed a distinctive slang which has been documented in works such as Piece of Cake and the Dictionary of R. Military General Orders (11): 1. CF. Dangle. EPW: Enemy Prisoner of War. Military, Army Slang, Slang. Learning Navy SEAL jargon, however, will at least make us sound cool. They are often abbreviations or derivatives of the NATO Phonetic … Tango down is military slang announcing that an enemy has been defeated in combat. Ok nugget, kick the tires, light the fires, select Zone 5, tag the bogey, but don’t get in a furball. IED Improvised explosive device, otherwise known as roadside bomb. What is MRE meaning in Military? 20+ meanings of MRE abbreviation related to Military: Vote. Leo Palma pit: slang for the rear cockpit, the WSO's seat in the aircraft pitch: movement of the aircraft around its lateral axis Pk: probability of kill PRF: Pulse-Repetition Frequencies "Press": keep doing what you're doing; keep up the pressure on the enemy Pucker Factor: method of rating particularly hazardous missions ‘Canoeing’ (the practice of firing bullets into an enemy combatant’s head - alive or dead - in a ‘V’ pattern intended to turn the top of the cranium into a hollowed-out canoe) is considered a war crime because it amounts to desecration of the bodies of enemies, which is prohibited by The Hague and Geneva Conventions. This was the area where a unit conduct their operations. S. ‘Stag’ Guard duty Tango Delta (“target down”): the enemy was eliminated. 14, 2021, while operating against the Islamic State group in southern Syria, the United Kingdom’s Royal Air Force ASRAAM’d an enemy drone out of the sky. Terminology should be of general military or associated significance. In the versions where Deckard is narrating, the term is implied to be used by bigots. t. ‘Cookhouse’ Canteen where the Army goes to eat. The Head and the Latrine both mean the bathroom. The hands-on career training and field instruction each service member receives before being qualified to do a specific … Charlie Foxtrot, along with other sweary military slang like SNAFU, crossed over into the civilian sector thanks to veterans returning home from duty and popular entertainment depictions of the military. occupation of Japan from 1945-52. Political correctness aside, I think it would behoove the military to call the enemy something – that goes a long way towards the dehumanization factor. After reportedly failing to pay child support, Smith joined the military … BAMCIS. These words are looked on with pride as a sign of military heritage and history. " Slang changes with the times, and the military's is no different. Really, really, really early in the morning. new search. J [] Jabo (Jagdbomber At first the term meant simply a fine flier, a "high card" to play against the enemy. Yeah, a gun-toting sheepdog might make a great t-shirt, but it goes against the rest of Grossman's book, which largely covers coping strategies for the physiological and psychological effects of violence on … Enemy Mine: Dracs are called "lizards" by humans. PO1/PO2/PO3 — Petty Officer 1st Class; Petty Officer 2nd Class; Petty Officer 3rd Class. Taps: military slang for “lights out”. File 13: The garbage can. Going out into the jungle to observe for the purpose of identifying enemy activity. The term “tango” is also We kinda jumped from “Charlie” to the racist terms. According to the Navy history museum, the word chit was carried over from the days of Hindu traders when they used slips of paper called "citthi" for money. Command voice. Grande Armée slang. TDU: Tactical Dress Uniform. The following is a list of colloquial terms and expressions used in the Canadian Armed Forces . However, most slang used in the ADF is restricted to its personnel. Also known as “Close enough for government work. 'Bulling'. Mess – A place members of the armed force may eat and relax. com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. >Bogey, according to Eric And yet it was another sniper, Charles “Chuck” Mawhinney, who quietly supplanted Hathcock as the Marine Corps’ deadliest sniper in the service’s storied history. Since 1948, military terms have been codified in the DOD Dictionary. This is an acronym for High Explosive Anti-Tank round. The native of Lakeview Answer (1 of 10): In a context that relates “Tango” to “Bandits”, a Bandit plane/ship/vehicle that has been located and is perceived as a threat, and a Tango is a target, suggesting it has been identified as positively hostile and is being or about to be fired upon. More than one million of enemy combat soldiers died in the name of communism and nationalism. Egg Banjo. The Big … Military slang is like a second language for soldiers. … Bag – Aviator slang for the Nomex flight suit. Translation. "Check your six" is also used in Military parlance is the vernacular used within the military and embraces all aspects of service life; it can be described as both a "code" and a "classification" of something. T he first world war was a surprisingly fertile period for the English language. Electronic Warfare Officer (EWO) Elephant Walk. Don’t be offended if your spouse refers to you – or anyone in your house – as a “troop. Totenkopf – "death's head", skull and crossbones, also the nickname for the Kampfgeschwader 54 bomber wing of the World War II era Luftwaffe. The US military has FUBAR (Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition) and the British Army has beasting. Also known as the "SEAL Trident," the badge of some of America's most elite operators has a funny nickname. The retailer that operates post exchanges on Army and Air Force installations. For hostile cruise missile launch its QUAIL. Clear your baffles - Look behind you. Goon baiting. Bong Son Bomber – Giant sized joint or marijuana cigarette. Ack-Ack: Anti-aircraft fire. F slang. AAR – After Action Review. Air officer – a term used to describe the top five ranks in the RAF; (from lowest to top rank) air commodore, air vice-marshal, air marshal, air chief marshal, and marshal of the Royal Air Force. Soldiers fighting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have developed an expansive new military vocabulary, taking … Military slang is a colloquial language used by and associated with members of various military forces. Ocean Science, Aviation, Pilot. Between 1954 and 1975, United States service members found themselves fighting Charlie, an enemy who was both everywhere and nowhere. Commando can refer to an individual, a cell, a squad, or the organization as a whole. 2. CATS is one of many funny military acronyms related to the animal kingdom. It enables the joint force to organize, plan, train, and execute operations with a common language that is clearly articulated and universally understood. So while he was in the middle of the ceremony, he would … Death of military personnel due to enemy action Military language, official and informal use King of Terrors: Personification of death Neutral Of Biblical origin, found in Job 18:14 Also refers to death itself Kiss one's arse goodbye Prepare to die Slang Late Posthumous Lights out To die Slang Going into Eternal Oblivion: Live on a farm (upstate) The Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile, or ASRAAM, is a high-speed, heat-seeking missile used for air-to-air combat by fighter jets in the British and Australian Air Forces. Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses: SEALs: SEA, Air and Land (USN) SENSO: SENSor Operator: SEP: Charlie Foxtrot: Clusterfuck. #9. Pogey-Bait. Technical or highly specialized terms may be included if they can be defined in easily understood language and if their inclusion is of general military or associated significance. "Black Death". Here are just a few words and phrases that have military origins. A vehicle that Commanding Officers use to keep Junior Officers in a central If something is ‘gleaming’ you’re probably onto a good thing. Ace. Photo: US Air Force Master Sgt. ENE. AAV – Amphibious assault vehicle. Charlie wasn’t a racist term; as posted above, it had roots in military terminology. Real-world vulgar slang word. “Joe” is an Army and Air Force term used to generically refer to a soldier. Fighter pilot term for air defense interceptor pilots. Military. Unauthorized engagement (of the enemy) is the term I would use. Introduction This list deals primarily with Anglo-American military terms and slang during the war years, 1939-1945. The ultimate in an angles fight is an angle of zero — straight up the enemy’s tailpipe. Many of the words or phrases have varying levels of acceptance among different units or communities, and some also have varying levels of appropriateness (usually dependent on how senior … Noun [ edit] bogey ( plural bogeys ) ( Australia) A swim or bathe; a bath. An M-2 or M-3 tank used to make the day unpleasant for the enemy. Bingo – A fuel state at which the aircraft should stop performing its mission, whether training or combat, and start returning to its base or heading for aerial refueling. ") 19 Military slang is cited as the source of Tango down. Pop Smoke - To leave. Forget it; keep it a secret. In World War II, General Dwight D. Photo: Kibbe Museum. Zippo Raids– Burning of classification given to those deemed unfit for military service 50-cal. From military Generic term for enemy artillery or mortar fire. From radio messages that needed to be obscure in case of enemy ears listening in to conversations in the Soviet trenches … Find 55 ways to say ENEMY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus. The condensation cloud created when an airplane pulls a lot of Gs. Need abbreviation of Enemy? Short forms to Abbreviate Enemy. A. The Indian word ‘dobi’ meaning ‘washing’ or ‘laundry’ has been used ever since the British military were stationed there. armed forces, the Air Force gets a lot of flak from other branches, despite having the capacity to (arguably) destroy all The following is a selection of Korean War slang terms, mostly derived from the late Brig. FEBA – Forward Edge of the Battle Area, the line of departure where a unit enters enemy territory. The phenomenon usually in Iraq, and … 1. A person given to carousing; a generous person. ") This is a piece of artillery or a mortar tube Military life is eventful and communication is one of the most important parts. AAWC – Anti-Aircraft Warfare Coordinator. Most civilians will recognize this slang term when “G. Working “inside the wire” of the enemy combatant detention facility can lead to stress for the US troops working … What is an enemy soldier? singular noun [with singular or plural verb] [NOUN noun] The enemy is an army or other force that is opposed to you in a war, or a country with which … SUMMARY. The racist terms were gook, slant-eyes, etc etc etc. About the DOD Dictionary. ' … Slang for "Buddy F-----. Command Managed Equal Opportunity (NAVY) Naval program that uses the chain of command to identify and resolve equal opportunity issues. British troops tended to call German soldiers Fritz or Fritzie (a German pet form of Friedrich) or Jerry (short for German, but also Army slang for food. The name of the British … Canadian English military slang. The term refers to a real person named Maynard Smith, a man who went from receiving the Medal of Honor to being demoted to basic rank and tasked with clerical work. Bingo is established before takeoff Technical (vehicle) A Zhongxing Grand Tiger technical with a mounted FN MAG during the First Libyan Civil War. Big Voice -- Term used to describe the loudspeaker on a military base. AOM All Officer’s Meeting. Their control levers had balls on … Another productive area of slang was words for the enemy. You can always tell the difference between one veteran or another by the word they use to go when nature calls. The unfamiliar words used by the four Americans in the pair of F-14's are rooted deeply in armed-forces lingo, and can be tracked even more deeply into general slang. All Acronyms. Meaning: Used by instructors as an example of an airman who is a headstrong and impulsive mischief-maker. Ablutions - Area in barrack-room airmen go to for washing and/or using toilet AC Plonk - Aircraftman second class (AC2), the lowest rank in the RAF (also known … Enemy– A hostile nation or its armed forces in time of war. C. Joe” goes back a long Soldiers had arrived in country with existing nicknames – either having the moniker since childhood or inherited one in basic training. Iraqi troops resisting the American advance in Desert Storm learned to fear the Apache helicopter even before the "Highway of … Police Call - A phrase senior leaders use when they want an area clean, like a weapons range. This program goal is for positive morale, where personnel perform fully without being limited by biases ( race, religion, sex). SEAL is an acronym that stands for Sea, Air, and Land. “Tango uniform” is a much safer bet. To terminate a mission for any reason other than enemy action. A Moorish chief was an "emir," and the chief of all chiefs was an "emir-al. It is in this position where the enemy could fire. AAV – Assault Amphibious Vehicle. Fur Ball - Military pilot slang for the hectic tangle of air-to-air dogfights. 'Grizz It'. The term was coined by Nixon's Secretary of Defense, Melvin Laird to replace the policy of "de-Americanization" first enunciated by Nixon on June 8, 1969. Luftwaffe slang for an enemy fighter (from the game of cowboys and Indians. Vote. It is … 6. military personnel coined the word during the Vietnam War, when such killings were most often committed or attempted with a fragmentation grenade, [2] to make it appear that the killing was accidental or during combat with the enemy. E-Dub. c. LGBT slang, LGBT speak, queer slang or gay slang is a set of English slang lexicon used predominantly among LGBTQ+ people. “To the German Commander, N U T S ! The American Commander. " In the case of a civil war or an insurrection the term "enemy state" may be replaced by the … The purpose of the Hannibal directive is to prevent the capture of Israeli soldiers by enemy forces even if thereby risking their life. Larger tactical commands are formed by grouping two or more armies into an army group. The term is often used to jibe the oldest man in a unit. Like many close and closed communities, the language used can often be full of jargon and not readily intelligible to outsiders—sometimes this is for military operational or security … So let’s go over some of the lingo and a list of military slang terms that only a service member will ever understand. Bradley. BRING SMOKE - to direct intense artillery fire on an enemy position. ) Infanterie (Inf. Discover more expressions, check out our complete list of military slang. KABUL, Afghanistan — It's painful for US soldiers to hear discussions and watch movies about modern wars when the dialogue is full of obsolete slang, like "chopper" and "GI. Foreign words that were well-known or adopted by the English-speaking military may also be included, especially certain German words. It has been used in various languages since the early 20th century as a means by which members of the LGBTQ+ community identify themselves and speak in code with brevity and speed to others. ‘Scran’ (Royal Navy/Royal Marines) slang for food. Fast Mover: Fighter jet. ; District 9's "Prawns. A chit in the Navy refers to any piece of paper from a form to a pass and even currency. Lima Charlie (“loud and clear”): confirmation of received instructions. During the Vietnam War, a division was organized into three brigades, with each brigade commanded by a colonel. Some examples of military slang for everyday life include: Big … Military Alphabet is often used by service men and women as a form of slang or euphemism. formed in 1930 as a non-Communist revolutionary and political organization throughout Vietnam. 22. ‘I’m starving, let’s go get some scran’. He replied: ‘Nuts!”. Name given to … Enemy combatant is a person who, either lawfully or unlawfully, engages in hostilities for the other side in an armed conflict. Newspapers In military tactics, the kill zone, also known as killing zone, is an area entirely covered by direct and effective fire, an element of ambush within which an approaching enemy force is trapped and destroyed. 29. It stands for begin the planning, arrange reconnaissance, make reconnaissance, complete the planning, issue the order, and 32 Terms Only Airmen Will Understand. army - the largest tactical unit in the military forces of the United States. Without permission, it would be an unauthorized action. mil) CBO. ”According to the United States Army, “tango” refers to a specific enemy type. [Needs Citation] Bogey Another naval term for enemy aircraft. Therefore, you need to pay attention to who is coming up on your six. [3] All arms and legs – a term for weak beer. Sure, ‘Goose’ is not the greatest nickname in the military ranks (slow, dumb bird flying in a group formation), but there was also ‘ Iceman ’ and ‘ Maverick . 1. was a crack in the structure of the army that "ran parallel to the front somewhere just outside the range of enemy fire. Langalanga Cutlass –Master parade Morning inspection of soldiers. com/military/abbreviations/enemy BRIGADE - basic military organizational institution. Dai Viet. A Mosin–Nagant Russian rifle. But we all know it’s not exactly kosher to shout that over the radio. Taco – Used because it resembles the shape of a taco shell, this term refers to the “U” grade someone may receive for an unsatisfactory execution of a training exercise. "freezing your balls off on Faz or Rhen Var". From the military … Here are 17 phrases that jumped from the military ranks to the civilian sphere. A medium-sized, long-endurance asset for reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition in moderate risk areas. This is a refinement of the general category of bogey. The term 'bulling' is typically used when shining boots. 62 miles. No 4 – dress Camouflage. J udging by the actions of those American military slang from the war in Iraq: the tendency of Iraqi security forces, in response to receiving a little fire from the enemy, to either run away or do the "death blossom," spraying fire indiscriminately in all directions. Standing for Find, Fix, Flank and Finish, the four F’s is a mnemonic device designed to remind what active duty service members must do in war … A soldier in full dress, including helmet, flak jacket and automatic weapon is said to be wearing "battle rattle," "play clothes" or "Mommy's comforts" -- terms that preceded the … Charlie Foxtrot: Clusterfuck. It's preferable to say "eyes on x amount of enemy at y direction z distance". October 28, 2014 at 9:42 pm. No 5 – dress Tertaron or OG green Military Slang of Tankers HEAT Round. "15 minutes prior to 15 minutes prior" It is traditionally indicated by lashing a broom to the periscope of a submarine. 30. Friendly fire among enemy forces, enemy fire at the enemy. haji armor : improvised armor, installed bytroops hiring Iraqis to … Flank: Used as a noun, a “flank” is the end (or side) of a military position, also called a “wing”. Brain T. Here is what I think you'll need: '16, M-16 - standard military rifle 122 - enemy weapon, 122 mm rocket 123, C-123 - two engine cargo aircraft 130, C-130 - four engine cargo aircraft 20, 20 mm - mini-canon used on aircraft . “Close enough for horseshoes, hand grenades or Polaris Missiles. … Indianer — Indians. ), a desert (pound cake, M&M's,), powdered drinks, a condiment package, and a heating element (in case the soldier is interested in a semi-hot meal). PCS — permanent change of station or transfer. Soldiers fighting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have developed an expansive … Counterattack. It pertains to those children who grew up in military families. ’ 27. Terp: military slang for an interpreter of another language. Also used as a term of abuse for anyone taking orders too literally to the detriment of their What does TS stand for in Enemy? Get the top TS abbreviation related to Enemy. 'Glasshouse'. “Check your six” or “check-six” is a term that fighter pilots use to mean “look behind you” or “check your tail. Gun: Not used to refer to a rifle or pistol (military pistols are referred to as "9-mil. AB – Air burst. ‘Galley’ Canteen on board a ship where the Royal Navy goes to eat. POW – A POW, or prisoner of war, is an enemy combatant who is part of a regular military force, … Inside The Wire: inside an enemy combatant detention facility. Imagery and Geospatial Community Management Office (NIMA) showing only Military and Government definitions ( show all 209 definitions) Note: We have 108 other definitions for CF in our Acronym Attic. It's not an academic work by any means. (Wikimedia Commons) Barbecue – Armored Cavalry units requesting Napalm on a location. slang term used by American soldiers to describe another American or an individual of Slang from Operation Iraqi Freedom. ") This is a piece of artillery or a mortar tube This book will teach you the language of the real American warrior, who, despite common perception, is usually a bored, hormone-charged 19 year old looking for something more exciting in life. In Viet Nam it meant those of us actually engaging the enemy. [Needs Citation] Bone 'ead: An Ogryn sergeant with surgically augmented intelligence who can interpret orders for his less advanced squadmates. As the youngest member of the U. For example: SPIKED 4 o'clock Grunt (board wargame), a 1971 tactical wargame. One way to catch fish involves dangling bait in the water. angel : a soldier killed in combat, used among some US medical personnel. For example - ‘I’m starving, let’s go get some scoff. Meaning: To go as fast as one possibly can. A phrase all MilSpouses should be saying to each other. 2023. This is a list of acronyms, expressions, euphemisms, jargon, military slang, and sayings in common or formerly common use in the United States Marine Corps. Infantryman. Bang-bang -- An Army term describing a pistol or rifle. In World War II, the military slang term "Tommy Gun" referred to which of these below? A British handgun. This type of enemy is usually highly trained and well-equipped. Most terms are particular to the Army; others are regional adaptations gathered through the U. Balls: Slang for testicles, e. Reported on Globalsecurity. "Budweiser" refers to one of the classes SEALs recruits have to graduate to earn it, Basic Underwater Demolition/SEALs, or BUD/S. Military acronyms: The basics for new recruits. Author Tom Clancy used Charlie Foxtrot as early as 1989 in his novel Clear and Present Danger, later adapted into a hit 1994 film. (A term often applied to personnel assigned to posts in Australia, including Red Cross personnel. Assigning an AO to individual units helps to prevent friendly fire casualties as the different units have some boundaries and do not stray into other areas. Usually enemy combatants are members of the armed forces of the state with which another state is at war. The list of Military abbreviations in Enemy. A flashlight. National Defense Service Medal. org. Hostile radar lock on you is called out as SPIKED. Terms for weaponry are limited to generic weapon systems. 5. The assassination of Truong Tu Anh, the Dai Viet leader, in 1946 by Ho's agents further Usually used around the tanker pattern, an indication that the radar is or isn’t transmitting. Tornister – Back pack. " Our English word is derived directly from the Moorish. In fact, the United Kingdom successfully launched an ASRAAM attack in 2021 against the Islamic State in southern Syria. dog tag A military identification tag worn about the neck. Those without, were quickly dubbed by their peers, using their looks, stature, home state, last name and occupation before the service as possible criteria to consider. The following is a list of terms used by the RAF. Military Slang, Army Slang, Slang. policy initiated by President Richard Nixon late in the war to turn over the fighting to the South Vietnamese Army during the phased withdrawal of American troops. (“Man, I came Search and Avoid – A derogatory term for an all-ARVN mission. Here are 15 phrases that jumped from the military ranks to the civilian sphere. Military Abbreviations; Slang Terms; Business; Technology; Types of Acronyms; Acronym Generator; Acronym Extractor; Here are just a few words and phrases that came from military tradition. In the days of yore, it was quite possible that a betrothed man might lose his wife even before their wedding to any number of possible hazards – rival bands, enemy leaders, or even random highwaymen. Uzal W. While a Bang Bang may refer to a pistol or rifle, an 11 Bang-Bang refers to an infantryman like the one pictured. T CLODFELTER: "Given that I was an Air Force officer if something's not going right, I present a proposal, it could be 'shot down. Prior to 2008, the definition was: "Any person in an armed conflict who could be properly detained under the laws and customs of war. platoon - a unit composed of two or more squads. Digies is … Slang changes with the times, and the military is no different. Guardhouse/Barracks Lawyer. Bantha dung: Insult used to refer to something or someone worthy of contempt. 9. If someone’s a Blue Falcon, that means they’re letting someone else take the heat for something. Used to describe items of kit or clothing that are not issued (potentially against regulations) but function better than issued equipment, but also used as a word meaning a combination of “cool/against the rules”. But, I agree that usually comes with a sense of justice attached to it. Working “inside the wire” of the enemy combatant detention facility can lead to stress for the US troops working there. Eisenhower had a slang nickname. Describes the phenomenon of a dysfunctional electronic device starting to work again. Rack Out - To go to sleep. The origin can be traced back to Mid U. Zero dark thirty. (Navy/Army/RAF) Slang term for washing powder. E-6 An enlisted man’s grade. Search options. A division consists of approximately 20,000 people. On Dec. The following list of common military acronyms and slang will help you learn how to "translate" a military conversation. My In the MACV military headquarters, there was a AC of S position for each section, i. Something obtained for free is said to be "bukshee," meaning "bribe" in Urdu and Hindi. military operations conducted in enemy-held or hostile territory by irregular, predominantly indigenous forces. 2k Us Army acronyms and abbreviations (July 2023): Some military slang words, such as digger, have become widely used by Australians in general. From older naval slang for burial at sea, which was known as “the deep six,” probably from the custom of burying people six feet underground. Bad choice of words. MRE Military Slang Abbreviation. Army personnel file A AAR after-action report AC A [ edit] Toilet and / or bathroom for airmen (RAF slang). rear-echelon A subdivision of a military force, farthest from the enemy. Retrieved July 16, 2023, from https://www. Similar to the real-world rude word "bullshit. East North East. In wartime, the general store of military slang is augmented by a special subspecies - the slang of combat troops. The military also uses certain, more restrictive protocols due to the nature of its work and the need to protect national interests. Synonyms for ENEMY: opponent, foe, hostile, adversary, antagonist, attacker, archenemy, rival; Antonyms of ENEMY: friend, buddy, fellow, ally, partner, pal, chum, mate 8. Grandma Gear. From military aviation where pilots would need to get their aircraft flying as fast as possible. [from 19th c. Coup de grâce: a death blow intended to end the suffering of a wounded soldier; also applied to severely damaged ships (called scuttling when applied to friendly ships). ‘Wounded’ seems a particularly military form of injury—inflicted by an enemy with the intent to kill. T, in the NATO phonetic alphabet, was used for targets before it turned into an acronym for “enemy” by the 1930s. The largest was at Na Trang, where the training action was taken against the 17th NVA Division. American troops come up with a … Slang - Military Slang - Military text - mp3. Bad output from the brain-housing-group to your mouth. “Sweetheart of Song Tra Bong” culottes A woman’s or girl’s garment consisting of trousers made full in the legs to resemble a skirt. A kind of landmine, that jumps up out of the ground and blows your balls off. But, don’t forget it’s not an official format. Meaning. Usually if under attack or impending bad situation. Military Radio Protocol Best Practices: Identify with whom you want to communicate by using their call sign. Us Army Abbreviations. Good-Time Charley. E-1, E-2, etc. ” is placed in front of it. Match. An understanding of the doctrinal developments of communication helps to To mobilize hatred against the enemy; (2) To preserve the friendship of allies; (3) To preserve the friendship and, if possible, to procure the co Aviator Slang and Military Acronyms. Tango refers to a type of music. Berm Drill. Yet the word that is increasingly applied to surviving battle casualties is the more benign ‘injured,’ which suggests that the sons and daughters, fathers and mothers sent overseas to defend democracy, freedom and the Canadian Way They were the Viet Cong, VC, or just Charlie, from Victor Charlie. ) — infantry. It is designed with a longer barrel and a heavier stock to increase accuracy when firing at longer distances. Soup Sandwich - A mess, usually a service member who doesn't have his/her life together or a uniform that worn incorrectly. MRE. Whiskey Tango … Glossary of Military Terms and Slang; What is Military Slang? Also known as military slang, this jargon is a “set of colloquial terms which are unique to or which originated … Squirter: A person, assumed to be an enemy, running away from a military attack. ADVANCE GUARDS—A security element that precedes and protects the main body of a force, whatever its formation, and covers its deployment for action if enemy contact is made. It is a slang forged by the soldiers itself. Brain Fart. 1994, Rita Huggins & Jackie Huggins, Auntie Rita, in Heiss & Minter, Macquarie PEN Anthology of Aboriginal Literature, Allen & Unwin 2008, p. (Some of these definitely fall into the “slightly inappropriate” or humorous … Band-Aid -- A Vietnam-era term for a medic. If it is stern sounding and a bit lower than your normal voice range, it This list was created to describe slang terms which are either unique to the military or which can be verifiably shown to have originated with the military. " THE SLANG OF “THE FORGOTTEN WAR” as the Korean conflict from 1950 to 1953 is often called, has not been forgotten. A Berm drill is a basic ADMIRAL. Enemy. AAPC – advanced armoured personnel carrier (Turkey) AARADCOM – Army Armament Research and Development Command. Rog/Roger/Roger that. Blue Falcon. APA All Acronyms. It is also growing increasingly less true. Throughout the pandemic, additional military medical professionals have been deployed to help support local authorities and other frontline workers and care for patients. Feet Wet/Dry - USN terms describing flight position "over-water" and "over-land. In the aftermath of the January 6 riot, extremists have become obsessed with the federal agents who might lurk among them. Scroll down to learn 25 of the most interesting military slang terms. Rolled-up. AAW – Anti-Aircraft Warfare. allacronyms. This glossary makes similar distinctions: information is unevaluated material of every description, intelligence information is information of potential intelligence value, and intelligence is the knowledge derived from a cyclical processing of information. And one way to collect intelligence involves dangling an officer in front of the enemy. TOC: Tactical Operations Center. “Check your Six”. There is no way to express the thoughts and actions of the soldier I was then without that jargon. Below are some of our favorites. Now, the paras (as the article notes) have always thought of themselves as a cut above the rest. These names stayed with us during … Military life is eventful and communication is one of the most important parts. – A highly technical slang term used when a job is good enough to call complete. (cnrc. ago. Dittybopper This common Army term has two different meanings. It is the basic tactical unit, usually commanded Paygrade – administrative classifications to indicate pay across the military service branches; i. Commando – A civilian, military, or paramilitary combat group using irregular tactics. " An Air Force term for "watch out behind you" based on looking for enemy aircraft or missiles to the rear at the 6 0'clock position. Constructed Fare (airlines) CF. HEAT rounds are heavy, shaped-charge projectiles that are fired toward the target at a high angle. In this context, the “six” is the vulnerable position. Dot Chaser. Anyone who knows what Marines call the jerry can tube adapter knows there are a lot of inappropriate nicknames in the military. Critically Factor. The military alphabet is the foundational piece of the military’s codified communication procedure. 3. This is because tango is military slang for “target. Boomer – This word refers to a boom operator on a tanker. This article aims to introduce a military scientific perspective into the linguistic discussion of war discourse. “Brats” wear the name like a badge of honor, often because of the moves Soldiers still refer to washing as "dhobi," derived from the Hindi word for laundry. The phenomenon usually in Iraq, and reported a few times in recent years. PRT — physical readiness test Enemy combatant is a term historically referring to members of the armed forces of the state with which another state is at war. Gravel Agitator. “We own the night” has been an Army mantra for decades. Blue Falcons suck. Usually a violent maneuver. Bouncing Betty. French Creek is Military Acronyms, Terminology and Slang Reference. Geoffrey Ingersoll wrote the original version of this post. Standardized military and associated terminology forms the foundation of joint doctrine. When a large number of aircraft taxi in sequence. The simplest unit in the video game Z. navy. e. 6 popular forms of Abbreviation for Enemy updated in 2023 A. (previously in Joint Publication 1-02, DoD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, hereafter referred to as JP 1-02)* Abduction. CATS. Definition: extremely large Ginormous, a portmanteau of gigantic and enormous, traces back to World War II and was first recorded in a 1948 British dictionary of military slang (though recent research has found the word used in British newspapers as early as 1942). Acronym describing urban warfare. It must meet one of those two criteria or it has no place in the list. Used as a verb, “to flank” is to move around and gain the … Answer (1 of 14): The term AO in the military means Area of Operations. The Far Right’s Fear of ‘Glowies’. Medevac: short for medical evacuation. Materiel Many of the terms for weapons and artillery were remarkably similar on both sides of no man’s land, indicating a similarity of attitude, that the soldier had two enemies, the opposing forces and the war itself. AAP – Advance Authority to Procure. So, they join the best military on the planet and now live with the intent to kill, blow up, and f*** everything in sight (not necessarily in that order). NCO Noncommissioned officer. 22 - 22 caliber weapon Vietnamization. Learn what it means to be a pipe hitter or a bullfrog with this collection of Navy SEAL slang. The slang that appeared in official 21. . [4] Apron – the tarmac or concreted hardstanding area surrounding a hangar. Simply watching an enemy from a concealed … Here’s Military Connection’s lingo guide to some popular military specific terms, phrases and acronyms. What does ENE stand for in Military? Get the top ENE abbreviation related to Military. Ordnance Disposal, responsible for the safe handling, deactivation and removal of an unexploded ordnance—the military version of a bomb squad. The list of 1. Grand Old Man Of The Marine Corps. D. The word itself seems to be used originally as slang for a presumably hostile, unidentified aircraft in the second world war. parapet - a low mound or wall to shield and protect personnel from the enemy. A Gewehr 41 German rifle. In military operations, military reconnaissance or scouting is the exploration of an area by military forces to obtain … A drag shot sniper is a type of sniper rifle that utilizes a bolt-action system to fire ammunition. They killed nearly sixty thousand United States the enemy. Examples of its use found in a 1962 dictionary of sailors' slang include "a ginormous brush with the … military for an Iraqi, anyone of Arab decent, or even of a brownish skin tone, be they Afghanis, or even Bangladeshis; 3: the word many soldiers use derogatorily for the enemy. It is known as a " fighting hole " in What does MRE stand for in Military Slang? Get the top MRE abbreviation related to Military Slang. No 1 –dress Ceremonial dress. ) 2) An aircraft assigned … 2. Fighting the enemy in military terms is frequently referred to as engaging the enemy. Used immediately after a kill or successful incapacitation of a hostile, to help nearby friendly operatives keep track of imminent threats. Suggest. Sometimes followed by "Punching Out". Istah Buster - Controller term for full military power: to hurry up, go as fast as possible. ”. It is a "small pit used for cover, usually for one or two personnel, and so constructed that the occupants can effectively fire from it". Fat Cat. Take the phrase “The Four Fs. " Modern MRE's generally consist of a main course, bread and spread (grape jelly, strawberry or blackberry jam, jalepeno cheese, etc. Use It In A Sentence: "He may be the Grand Old Man of the Marine Corps, but he's still a hard … Sanctioned Psyker slang for a non-telepath. People discussed language, collected slang, and argued about the origins of words and phrases. Called 100mph tape due to the belief it can withstand speeds of up to 100 mph when slapped on holes. Enemy in sight (as opposed to "visual," which means friendly in sight). In situations where your squad may draw from many nationalities, dialects, or ethnicities with different pronunciations of common words, this reduces the chances that a message will … If you’ve ever hung out with military aviators (or watched movies like “Top Gun” or “Iron Eagle”) you know they tend to use a lot of strange lingo when they talk, even when they’re out of the cockpit. a. It can be a Morse code signal given to intelligence radio operators or it can describe a soldier marching out of … Enemy combatant – Anyone fighting on the enemy side is an enemy combatant. An admiral is the senior ranking flag officer in the US Navy, but his title comes from the name given the senior ranking officer in the Moorish army of many years ago. CAV - nickname for air cavalry. 'Bean Stealer'. Many games use the "simple soldier" meaning, to a point that the word is now common parlance within gaming communities for the easiest 'popcorn' enemies: A Warcraft, orcish warrior. military operation (MO) designed to kill enemy/destroy targets but not to secure on to hold the position attached. ADVANCE BY BOUNDS—An advance controlled by the assignment of successive objectives, usually from one terrain feature to the next. AAFES: Army and Air Force Exchange Service. The controversial logic behind the order seems to be that a dead soldier is preferable to a captive one. CMEO. Frequently, “Joes” are junior enlisted personnel, and a single soldier is sometimes referred to as “Private Joe Snuffy. Tommy – German slang for a British soldier (similar to "Jerry" or "Kraut", the British and American slang terms for Germans). Debellatio: to end a war by complete destruction of a hostile state. Oni_Shinobi • 7 yr. This is imp Digger slang, also known as ANZAC slang or Australian military slang, Combat was known as the "two way rifle range", returning fire to the enemy was known as "putting a few rounds down range", and coordinating Diggers for a large, long, boring or mundane job was known to be as exciting as a "brass party at Gallipoli" (brass parties KGB or GRU (Soviet and Russian military intelligence) chief of station in any foreign location. Examples of its use found in a 1962 dictionary of sailors' slang include "a ginormous brush with the … Situationally, if I'm playing Battlefield 4 on PC and I want to call out armor, enemies or airstrikes I would like to have the proper vernacular to effectively communicate with my team/squad mates. " Meat Wagon – Slang for an ambulance, or any other medical emergency vehicle. Bandit – An enemy aircraft. PIR — Pass in Review. Frogfoot - Iraq has about 60 of these SU-25 attack planes (range 470-780 miles) similar to the at least 100 American A-10 Thunderbolts deployed by the Allies. 204 Common Military Terms / Slang / Jargon / Lingo # 0-9. Tango down has been adopted in first-person shooter games when teams are … This is a word that describes active engagement with the enemy. A Thompson submachine gun. The articulation of these differences is fundamental to the repeated use of these terms b. When an operation goes bad and an agent is arrested. An unprotected flank is “in the air”, while a protected flank is a “refused flank”. Someone new to the military, usually in Boot Camp. ; Blade Runner uses the term "Skinjobs" to refer to Replicants. In combat, soldiers often use the term “tango” to refer to enemy targets. ] quotations . 50 caliber machine gun 51-cal heavy machine gun used by the enemy 79 an M-79 grenade launcher 82 mm a mortar used by the enemy 105 a 105-mm howitzer 201 file a U.